Yes I agree, I wished Trump appointed him as the HLSC. Or maybe the next director of the FBI.
“Talcum X” calling for more violence! Talk about being openly stupid, this guy not only has no self awareness, but no shame either!
What a moron. He’s a white guy pretending to be black, isn’t he (if I remember correctly)?
Yes he is! A total phony! Nothing that a good waterboarding and some hard years in solitary confinement won’t solve. Language he might understand!
Far Left Democrats Sent Money to BLM But ActBlue Took the Donations and Are Distributing the Funds to Only Elite-Approved Democrat Candidates
Let’s see media try to spin this!
These riots are becoming less and less “race” related.
This is how lying and in self denial these liberal explody heads are. Rachael Madcow tries to fact check Kristi Noem and fails miserably!
Minny police chief holds presser — ‘Perp killed himself, you flipping idiots!
Minneapolis Police spokesperson John Elder talks about the suicide of a homicide suspect Wednesday night, which is sparking riots and looting in downtown Minneapolis
Perp killed someone then killed himself, and the rumors started flying. It’s disturbing what ‘fake news’ mob rule distributed on social media is doing to Democrat cities.
At this rate, social media is going to be shut down, because its only exacerbating the stupidity to happen even faster.