2020 Race Riots - Open General

I watched this recently. I sure hope she is right. That would be awesome.



Not sure abt this one


BLM has been protesting for a decade with no effect. It was only when the progressive democrats became involved and their billionaire donors in the group Democracy Alliance gave them $200,000 that BLM changed tactics and worked with them to gain more attention. They set up ANTIFA off campus college groups and tested messages to craft something that would appeal to whites, racism. They kept a demand for slavery reparations which is very popular for blacks as bait but the rest of the platform is progressive democrat-LGBTQ, socialism, etc. When the progressives lost the democrat primary they became desperate and decided to start using communist tactics of propaganda and violence. They are using blacks as their enforcers. They hope that the 20% of blacks plus the 15% of progressives they can weaken police and then take over the weak areas. This is being done under the guise of police brutality but we see it being effective in the weaker progressive democrat run areas that are willing to do it. The black leaders are crazy and some even want to start a new country in the SW USA called Republic of New Afrika which would be formed from CA, AZ and NM. The progressives have no loyalty to the blacks and will likely give them an ulitimatum, either accept their negociated settlement without reparations or be destroyed. The recent Trump HUD eugenics program that the progressive democrats in Durham, NC cosigned largely targets african americans, showing their contempt of them. Billionaires think the poor are “useless eaters” who should be eliminated to help climate change.


This is pretty funny!

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Lincoln, Roosevelt statues torn down by Democrats

The Black Lives Matter protests suddenly stopped, as if turned off by a switch.

Just like they were turned on by a switch. LOL

Is this supposed to scare people? There is an ammo shortage for a reason and not because the losing side is buying any.


Isn’t that what his “community” has been after all summer? Now that it’s just about here they want to walk it back…yeah…no.

Was he actually warning about it or was he whining about it in that stuttered lispy half mumble that he does.

I thought the future would be flying cars, bases on the moon and colonies on mars. This is not what I was promised.

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Blacks get away with murder.
That’s the long and short of it.

Proof that right wing racist terrorists are trying to destroy the country and corrupt a peaceful movement for social justice.