2020 Race Riots - Open General

Is this supposed to scare people? There is an ammo shortage for a reason and not because the losing side is buying any.


Isn’t that what his “community” has been after all summer? Now that it’s just about here they want to walk it back…yeah…no.

Was he actually warning about it or was he whining about it in that stuttered lispy half mumble that he does.

I thought the future would be flying cars, bases on the moon and colonies on mars. This is not what I was promised.

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Blacks get away with murder.
That’s the long and short of it.

Proof that right wing racist terrorists are trying to destroy the country and corrupt a peaceful movement for social justice.

Oh how one desperate is to be listing a twitter posting as proof! No wonder you guys are losers you can’t even cite a credible source!

So when you don’t like the news you attack the source?

Here’s a different source for you.

Yeah so? You are equating this to all the burning and looting of ANTIFA? Wow! That is real genius on your part! Vain attempt at conflation if I ever seen one!

Meanwhile, pissing off DeBlowhard seems to become a national past time! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I know, right?


Bust a cap in a thong! God Bless America! :rofl:

This right before an election

Dude charges cops with a knife.
Gets shot.
Now people are looting Walmart.

This is so pathetic and retarded.
Fuck this country.


This is all very blackpilling. I get it. Don’t lose hope. This is all being done to have the effect it is having on you.

On a more jovial note, when the dust settles it will be discovered that the FootLocker got hit first.






Hitler was responsible for the death of George Floyd. As a result, George Floyd is an official part of Holocaust remembrance.

haha, the white race, especially the Germans are to blame for the traffic accident on the 33rd street in New York city today.

“We shall come over…we shall come over
we shall come over - somedaaaaaaaaaaay”

Riotous BLM Protesters Suddenly Realize They’re All White People

Just a bunch of millennials.
Liberal education certainly screws up the young minds.