Warnock wins!!! and Ossoff is widening his lead…Dems are kicking the retrumpliCONS ASSES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
To bad you shit head retrumpliCONS… your losing impeached trumputin has crashed your whole party…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Warnock wins!!! and Ossoff is widening his lead…Dems are kicking the retrumpliCONS ASSES HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
To bad you shit head retrumpliCONS… your losing impeached trumputin has crashed your whole party…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Oh go to your quiet corner and fist yourself DaJackoff! Iceturd! Keep your VPN on as I am sure it won’t be long before the Mods find out who you are!
And to think… people like you are the future. What could go wrong?
As far as I am concerned,any person who has any connection with the Nation of Islam needs his brain examined!
Here’s a retrumpliCON groupie loser trying to stop a superior person myself from posting about the bankrupted retrumpliCON bunch of sissies asses and their loser impeached…soon to be out on his ass TRUMPUTIN…and soon to be in the court system on his knees begging to be given a break…hahahahahahahaha
HOW SWEET IT IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It appears that the house will be changing hands with a clear democratic victory. Only the Supreme Court can act as a barrier to extreme leftist public policy.
And to think… people like you are the biggest pile of losers the world has ever seen…your kind was the little pimps getting their lunches taken from them in the school yards…trumputin the loser… retrumpliCON PARTY THE LOSERS…
Yeah! Showing your passive aggression much Dajerkoff? From your stupid rants it appears you have bigger issues than your obvious ignorance and TDS here Iceturd!
It’s the uniparty! I am not sure why people alike can’t see the machinations in place as to why this is allowed to happen.
Are you 15?..
A troltard 7 year old is more like it.
This is a proxy troll incarnation as his previous moniker “Iceberg Slim” AKA “Iceturd” exhibited the same imbecile childish behaviour that got him banned from here. Give it some time, the Mods will catch on!
What a pathetic character assessment attempt and even if true it’s well documented that people who were taken advantage of in their early years by fucking morons like you, go on to be more robust than pieces of crap like you could ever be.
The crybabies are shedding their tears again. They just can’t believe their are more Americans who support rights for EVERYBODY, and suddenly they don’t believe in the American voting system anymore. If they lose, someone cheated. Looks like they need to go colonize the Antarctic and live in their bigoted heaven.
Btw, Jon Ossoff hasn’t won…so republicans still have a chance at a single vote majority in the senate.
This is a big day for American history with the first black man winning a statewide race in Georgia.
Of course the racist right is shitting their britches out of fear of the evolving demographics in America.
Again the places with the most votes the keep you away from observing . Republicans again easily won. Can’t observe throw the votes out.
Just waiting for an excuse to make Monte homeless is the poetic justice of irony to play out for their kind.