🚨 1st Presidential Debate 2024/ Livestream | Debate Party

End Wokeness on X: “Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden’s debate lowlights: https://t.co/enusIKHhwN” / X

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This comedy segment was funny but was also telling. The point being raise is that a serious pause has to be given to ask who is actually running the country right now? Because it certainly isn’t Biden, comedy aside.

Biden hasn’t been running the country from day one.

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True, but more to Gutfeld’s point, now the entire world knows it and that puts us in a very precarious position with our adversaries.

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This is a very vivid portrayal of Joe Biden’s rapid decline. Its night and day in just 12 years

BTW, Joe couldn’t carry his own golf bag, so there is another lie!

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When a President can NOT coherently answer questions, he practiced for over and over again how the hell does ANYONE think he is capable of running our Country ?

We are trapped. Some think Trump will make a fine commander in chief and I envy everyone’s optimism. In any case the entire world now knows that Joe Biden is mentally unfit for the job. What a great time for China to invade Taiwan. Regardless of whether Joe Biden is elected to another four-year term as president and then dies in office with Kamala taking over, he is still the president for the next half a year regardless. This is likely to become a very scary time for this country.

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Can you imagine what those rich liberal donors are thinking after giving that moron million for his campaign . It’s almost as funny as Biden’s debate performance !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If you think about it in another way, and believe me I know I have, Biden, or any leader for that matter is a reflection of a nations culture. We moved away from God, our family values, our morals, only to further go deeper into deprivation, self indulgences, instant gratification, self seeking fame, attention seeking for dopamine rushes and ultimately addiction. Its practically destroyed our country as we knew it. The common decency that most moral standing individuals seek and talk about has become a game of numbers to which the current generation is lost and they outnumber the ones who are not.

Joe Biden is a liar, a cheat, a racist, a scoundrel, and his son is a reflection of a dysfunctional family, where such values are corrupt, deceitful, and abusive and his family promoted those values onto him, thus the laptop from hell as some refer to it as only confirms his unsavory behaviors and depravity. As was Obama and the ones before him. Every president from Reagan who warned us about being a generation away from losing our country, reflected moral decay in some way or another, we didn’t notice it then because we weren’t paying attention. Its sad in some ways that we allowed this to happen.


I don’t think Trump is a great commander in chief. I don’t particularly think Trump is great at all. I do think he is needed for the next 4 years to undo all the terrible policies of the “leader by committee”/far left progressives. We need an arrogant, big mouth, unabashedly unapologetic asshole that has no qualms about saying what he thinks and what we all know to be true. We need a guy that will put our country’s/citizens interest first. Other countries need to get back in line. Trump is the perfect guy for that job. It’s only 4 more years. Maybe a few adults will emerge from the wreckage in 2028… on both sides. I fear this crap we have now will be all I see until my time is done. If that’s the case… I’ll take Trump type crap over the far left progressive crap any day.

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Good post… and on the money, IMO.

Thanks. Lately I have been reflecting a lot on certain things as I look at other countries such as Poland, Hungary, Russia, and a few others. They all have cohesive societies with strong Christian values at their core. In fact I was reading an article today where in those same countries was an insight why they were so strong in their cultures and all had a common denominator which is having strong christian representation within their governments.

When I then look at ours in comparison, we have seriously fallen hard and far when it comes to moral accountability and setting an example for the rest of our own culture. In my belief it is why we are a country in decline. We strayed away from our core values and replaced it with things like appeasing the marginalized, victims in society who use intersectionality, moral relativism, and aggrandizement as excuses for their failures. People like George Soros, Obama, and other cultural Marxists saw in advance what was happening, spurned on by Hollywood’s portrayal of eroding our values, they saw our weakness and took advantaged of it.

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We are fast approaching Babylon level immorality in this country… if we haven’t already. As said… no one knows the day or hour except the Father, but I can’t help but feel it is close. Close may be 1000 more years to God, so…

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The world is laughing at us.

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I believe he did great things in his 4 years and would have completed ALL of his campaign promises if the evil dems stopped putting so many roadblocks in his path . Imagine all Trump got done fighting the ENTIRE demoRAT party , the FBI ,the CIA ,and 55% of the GOP .
I really don’t care if he is a loud mouth and rude , I look at things that matter and are important . Which president is most likey to LOWER TAXES , SECURE THE BORDER , PUT INFLATION IN CHECK, GET RID OF ILLEGALS , INSIST ON LEGAL IMMIGRATION , INSIST ON EVERY COUNTRY PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE . IMPROVE OUR COUNTRY, AND KEEP US OUT OF WARS .
Can you think of ANY demoRAT that would fit that bill .

I agree. Considering the total shit show that went on 24 - 7 for 4 years, he did a great job. The shit show will fire up again after he wins. It won’t matter this time. He can’t run again… he will go scorched earth this time around, and I will enjoy every second of it!

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The spin by the media regarding Biden’s senior moments is embarrassing. There must be sociopaths controlling everything for this to happen.

I heard a theory that the whole debate was video-taped earlier this year, like in February.

If this theory is correct, it only means one thing. Maybe two. That the Dems are divided and and that most of them want another candidate for which they need a good excuse.

Another wild theory is that Trump is still the Commander in Chief. The Nov election in 2024 may get cancelled.

Make of it what you will.
Is Biden Commander In Chief ? Evidence SAYS NO!! (citizenfirstnews.com)

Derek Johnson-Trump Is The Commander In Chief,People Are Witnessing The Destruction Of The Old Guard (rumble.com)