🚨 1st Presidential Debate 2024/ Livestream | Debate Party

The lies:
“By the way, the border patrolmen endorsed me, endorsed my position,” Biden told the CNN moderators and stunned Americans watching a desiccated corpse speak.

Not long after Biden made the claim, the National Border Patrol Council, the union that represents the some 18,000 agents, took to X to set the record straight.

“To be clear, we never have and never will endorse Biden.”
USA Today hilariously gave Biden’s lie a “partly false” rating in its “Presidential Debate Fact Check.”

Biden bragged during the debate that illegal border crossings have dropped 40 percent in the three weeks since his administration “suspended” asylum processing, a claim parroted in matching stories from the accomplice media. Interestingly, the New York Post reported that in the days after Biden’s “crackdown” took effect, more than 40,000 illegal immigrants crossed into the United States from Mexico.

“Border Patrol sources say that most of the migrants are still being given court dates and released into the US — despite the Biden Administration’s claim that the new measure would stem the flow of illegal immigrants into border towns and major cities,” the Post reported.

And lest we forget, it was Biden’s undoing of key Trump border policies, particularly “Remain in Mexico,” that has led to an explosion of illegal immigration in this country. Since Biden took office in January 2021, more than 12 million illegal aliens have crossed into the U.S., according to new U.S. Customs and Border Protection Service data obtained by The Center Square.

“The majority of illegal border crossers are overwhelmingly single adults. In fiscal 2024 through May, they totaled over 1.35 million,” the publication reported. Many have been granted asylum and turned loose.

So many lies so under reported.

Local news ignores the lies, Bidens performance.

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Biden claimed inflation was at 9 percent when he came into office. That statistic is false. The inflation rate when Trump left office was 1.4 percent.

Biden walked back his claim, saying Trump left him with “no inflation” because he decimated the economy.

Biden claimed his son Beau died in Iraq. Beau was not killed in action in Iraq but died from brain cancer in 2015.
What an embarrassment for the USA.

Biden said the unemployment rate was at 15 percent when he came into office. That isn’t true. The
unemployment rate was 6.4 percent when Biden was inaugurated in January.

Biden claimed there are “1,000 trillionaires in America.” There are not any trillionaires in America or the world.

Biden claimed Trump “wants to get the United States out of NATO.” There is no evidence to suggest that’s true. In fact, Trump regularly pressed NATO countries during his presidency to meet their defense spending commitments.

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He lied just about everything. We should have reached a point in time when it comes to politics that lying (which was the old political campaign strategy before the digital age) will get you called out. Unbelievable!


The talk about placing Biden is going no where as Biden refuses to step aside.

The Democratic National Committee’s current rules make it near impossible to replace a nominee unless they choose to step aside.

Every state has already held its presidential primary, the rules mandate that the delegates Biden won pledge to support him at the party’s upcoming national convention unless he tells them he’s leaving the race.

Wow even Bagdad Bob couldn’t spin this for Biden a massive train wreck that Conrail couldn’t get back on track !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Biden rambled more than Doug 1933 .

The contrast between these two “candidates” last night was simply shocking. Joe obviously didn’t possess the mental acuity to offer an intelligent response. Trump delivered clear, concise and compelling arguments projecting a path out of this destruction of America that Biden himself created. When Buydummy had to resort to childish insults by calling Trump a liar, he was simply deflecting to cover his declining mental competence and dishonesty. Will the Democrats dare risk another debate after this stunning debacle? The problem with replacing him is that DNC rules stipulates that he can’t simply be removed as he would have to do it voluntarily. With only 130 days until election day its a short window for that to happen and that doesn’t play to Trump’s advantage if the DNC were able to pull that off with another candidate.


The DNC will tell that braindead dope he agreed to step aside and he will not know the difference . I’m starting to think this is BAD for Trump because the dems will get a far more popular opponent to go against Trump .

Every state has already held its presidential primary, the rules mandate that the delegates Biden won pledge to support him at the party’s upcoming national convention unless he tells them he’s leaving the race.

Biden wants to run they cannot stop him without massive lawsuits.

If they want Biden to step aside they need to get Jill on board and she will tell him it’s over.

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Yes and no. Here is why. Seeing Trump on his game last night, he knows his policies and what needs to be done to get the country back on track. In other words he is a candidate who has a proven record, and his convictions as a leader was pretty apparent last night. I mean, the way he was looking at Biden when he was mumbling and stumbling through out his speech and responses said a lot about how poised Trump was throughout the night on the debate stage. The one liners were classic Trump and everyone loved it.

On the other hand and more to your contrasting argument of the Democratic party finding a worthy opponent with only 130 days is a calculated risk. Who would that be? The obvious answer would be Hillary Clinton. Its who he faced in the last election and a repeat of 2016 would be good for ratings if anything, but she is as unpopular now as she was in 2016 so not sure how that will work. Louman thinks it would be Gavin Newscum, but that would be going into a buzzsaw for him with a failing record as Governor of California. He would have to convince the American people to trust him as the leader of the country? I don’t think so.

What other candidates can step in to replace Biden? The Democratic bench is seriously not that deep and thus those choices are from a barren cupboard. The only one that I can think of is RFK Jr. but the Democratic party burnt that bridge a long time ago as he is now running as a Independent. Maybe there is some recently retired house members or Governors that might be drafted for such a job, but he would have to be exceptional and to be honest I am not sure there is anyone with that kind of make up.

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JB Pritzker . He is a typical asshole dem that could manage to gain votes .

Yeah maybe, but he would get destroyed as he too has an abysmal record as a Governor, one in which most from the state of Illinois loath the fat bastard.

Roger Stone has been predicting that it will be Me-shell Michael Obama.

It works for all the anyone but Tru mp fans . Prior to the debate most social media comments about the up coming election were " WHY ARE THESE TOO OLD GUYS THE ONLY CHOICE ???

Following Thursday’s debate Johanna Maska, a Democratic consultant and former Barack Obama aide, posted a video on X urging her party to change its 2024 presidential candidate.

She said: "We cannot do this, Democrats. Joe Biden can’t put a sentence together. We have to change our candidate, and we have so many good candidates who are sitting on the sidelines."

Well… Trump has his loyal supporters so he isn’t going anywhere and that is mostly because he was denied a win in 2020. And now he is even more popular thanks in large part of the disaster Biden laid at the feet of the American people. Had they not rigged an election in 2020 we might be talking about an entire different game.


The Mika and Joe Clown show. This is just too comical to watch!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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This family is certifiably insane!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Douglas MacGreggor’s reaction to 1st Presidential debate is a poignant one!

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