16 States to Abolish Electoral College

No Lou. Manager in California but at the same time a NYC “Republican”. Morphed to a NY “Republican” (given a thread about the Electoral College).

Y’all want to keep feeding the troll who doesn’t/can’t even figure out how to donate to the site on your own dime feel free to do so.

And the idiot doesn’t even realize that the vote will not matter as the popular votes is all that matters which nullifies the smaller states voice in the election process.

Want to see the morons wet their pants? A conservative wins the popular vote however under todays rules loses the electoral college would win the presidency under the new rule.

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From the OP:

Is somebody being intentionally obtuse again? Why yes, yes they are. :roll_eyes:

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Hahahahaha this is funny. It’s funny that you actually think that I am a Republican who lives in NYC. Lol.

You have a knack for finding losing arguments don’t you?

No, I just have a knack for exposing losers. Find that donation button yet?

I don’t give a shit about the “states” vote. That is what you cons aren’t getting. I want everyone’s vote to count regardless of what the STATE chooses. If a candidate has more votes than the other nationally… then that candidate wins. Not sure how this inherently benefits one party over another?

Don’t kid yourself… if you were trying to expose losers… you’d be exposing yourself.

I’ll hit the donate button right after you do sis

Clearly you suck at math as well. If the 16 states who are awarding their votes to “whoever wins the popular vote” are joined by let’s say 33 other states, who would be deciding the result of each and every single election going forward then? Here’s a hint. It won’t be the 49 who joined up with this idiocy.

^^ and there it is folks. The carefully crafted mask is starting to come off. :laughing:

Under this plan if all 50 states awarded their electoral votes to the national popular vote winner… that would effectively meet my criteria for a opposing vote counting regardless of whether you are in a blue or red state.

Is there a point in there somewhere?

Just pointing out the ridiculousness of cons who believe that California is 100% democrats and therefore the coasts would be electing the presidents and not the “flyover” country

Among others. The left has their own conspiracies. The House right now is subpoenaing records from 81 US Citizens on the premise that they conspired with Trump and Russia to win the election. As conspiracies go, that one is a whopper.

Everyone’s vote did count. The system worked exactly as it was intended to. The person who won the most votes from the States won the election. Whining about it won’t change it.

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2 things wrong with that statement…

  1. The house subpoenaed 81 people for various reasons… not just Russian collusion.

  2. Do conspiracies usually net criminal convictions for lying about not contacting the the prime suspects being investigated for committing an illegal act?

There’s not a person on the planet except a moron like yourself that would think your the least bit conservative unless you turn down the heat to conserve energy. And the loser is you, as you have no argument only tired talking points from the leftist shithole sites. Colorful language for a person with a limited ability to understand english.

And the purpose of the electoral college which seems to escape your tiny mind is it prevents the tyranny of the majority in the asshat cities and left hellholes like NY and claifornicate. It gives smaller states a say in who is elected president.

Not to worry one day you’ll have your own country as this country is not long for this world which the left seems to badly want. Wonder where you’ll get you food as little is grown oil the cesspool cities although the cesspool would make great fertilizer when mixed with feces collected from the streets.

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now you’re changing the subject, who said The Democratic peoples republic of California is 100% democrat , Hillary got 8 million votes, Trump got 4.4 million votes and Gary Johnson got 478,000 votes

That doesn’t sound like a 100% democrat state to me.

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Well @DMK does… talk to her

No one can explain how NY and California would ensure democrats are elected when they aren’t 100% democratic states. As I pointed out before, in California there were 4.5 million people who voted Republican. That’s more than several red states, Republican votes, COMBINED. Republicans in California would help greatly.

Use your tiny brain and explain how that works

I love living here… just because I love living here doesn’t mean that I don’t want improvements.


So how would California swing an election towards democrats anymore than they do today? Couldn’t California just a well swing a vote towards Republicans given that their 4.5 million votes are more than several “red states” combined republican vote count?

are you serious with this?