$148,489,000,000 in remittances was sent from United States to other countries in 2017

Worldwide, an estimated $625 billion (USD) was sent by migrants to individuals in their home countries in 2017, a 7% increase from 2016, when the amount was $586 billion, according to economists at the World Bank. This increase follows two consecutive years of decline.

Tracking remittance payments worldwide is difficult because many countries do not track funds that are sent or received. Based on data the World Bank is able to collect, a statistical model is used to estimate the amount of money coming from each sending country to each receiving country. Because these numbers are estimates, there is some room for error. For example, the total incoming or outgoing remittances displayed for some countries may not equal the actual remittances total.

And the amounts sent to the asylum seekers to their home countries:
Guatemala $7,725,000,000
Honduras $3,769,000,000
El Salvador $4,611,000,000

And from our net door neighbor:
Mexico $30,019,000,000

This is the additional cost paid by taxpayers and lost to our economy as money sent is replaced by welfare benefits.

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Why Eisenhower sent so many of them home after WWII. It’s amazing how few people actually know the history of immigration in the US.

And he did it without the technology available today yet today it’s not possible to deport illegals. `

Over One Million Illegals With Deportation Orders Still Living In US

Despite the fact that the law has ordered the deportation of these criminal aliens, they are still here.

Guess when ordered to leave they move to a new city and take on a new name. Seems no one cares.

The liberals certainly don’t care. They want the votes!

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But, but they say there is no voter fraud.

Could you elaborate a little further on this I’m not sure what you mean?

How Eisenhower Dealt With America’s First Illegal Crisis

By Keith Farrell
Published April 3, 2015 at 6:45pm
Modified November 11, 2015 at 6:20am

This is not the first time the US has dealt with an illegal immigration problem. Only last time it was dealt with in a decidedly swifter and sterner manner. The response, coordinated by President Dwight Eisenhower, resulted in nearly 3 million illegal immigrants being sent home.

During his administration, Eisenhower became the first American president forced to deal with problems stemming from illegal immigration. Only, in Eisenhower’s time the politically correct culture of liberal sensitivities had yet to emerge.

There was not much in the way of sympathy for those who had crossed into the country illegally.

Eisenhower told the New York Times exactly what had caused the problem: “The rise in illegal border crossing by Mexicans [illegal immigrants] to a current rate of more than 1 million cases a year has been accompanied by a curious relaxation in ethical standards extending all the way from the farmer-exploiters of this contraband labor to the highest levels of the federal government.”

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‘Ike’ took quick and decisive action. He used 1,075 Border Patrol Agents to seal the border. In doing so, he achieved a task our government today deems impossible with a force that is 10% larger. Once the border was sealed, Eisenhower went about the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens.

In June of 1954, he appointed retired General Joseph “Jumpin’ Joe” Swing to head “Operation Wetback,” which sent local and federal officials on sweeps of Mexican neighborhoods looking for illegals.

Within one month 50,000 illegals had been captured and deported, while nearly half a million more fled the country to avoid arrest. By September 80,000 more illegals had been removed from the state of Texas alone, and between 500,000-700,000 more had fled the country.

These illegals weren’t just dropped at the border; Swing arranged for buses and trains to take immigrants deep into Mexico before releasing them. Tens of thousands more were shipped by boat from Texas to Vera Cruz, Mexico.

Using less man power and resources than the federal government has today, Eisenhower was able to seal the border and send nearly 3 million illegal aliens home. The policy had the added effectiveness of deterring future illegal crossings.

Whereas today illegal immigrants are given government aid and college tuition, policies which have undoubtedly contributed to an increase in illegal immigration.

The economic effects aside, the level of illegal immigration today represents a grave national security concern.

Whereas Eisenhower’s policies deterred such activity, President Obama’s policies only further encourage the flow of undocumented persons over our southern border.


Good read…

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ICE is the enforcement agency responsible for finding, arresting, and removing illegals.

Ice has a total of less than 9,000 field agents spread over the fifty states.

Absent a great deal of cooperation from local/state LEO’s ICE is incapable of removing any significant portion of the illegals in the US.

This is where the battle between ICE and sanctuary city/state gov’ts really matters and why it has to be resolved once and for all by the SCOTUS.

We’re steadily losing our country to illegal immigrants and once they produce children in the US they are never leaving.

Which cannot be done today for numerous reasons. First, a series of court rulings in the sixties, seventies, eighties, and nineties have given illegals full constitutional protections in the US.

Second, modern transportation makes the entire border vulnerable to mass illegal crossings which was not the case in the forties and fifties.

Third, we have state and local gov’t’s refusing to cooperate and ICE lacks the manpower to even make a significant dent in the problem.

Lastly, in Ike’s era the border patrol had jurisdiction nationwide whereas today they are limited to operating no further than 100 miles from our borders due to more court rulings.