13 Year Old White Girl Trolls Blacks and Satanic Leftists

80% of murder “victims” are criminals so we should ignore it because most of them are perfectly justified.


And 85% support some limits on abortion particularly in the third trimester.


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It sounds like this got personal for you somewhere along the line, I am sorry for that. As to your general sentiment and tone, I’m there with you. Murder of the unborn, especially late term is vile, evil, ghoulish. All of it is taking a human life.

Oddly, I am encouraged by the overall evil left forgiving people like Gov. Northam (VA) of racism because of his sick stance on abortion. A shovel to the side of the head like that should change some minds outside of the hard left 21% in this country.

I am over it with liberals on this and a bunch of issues including their current fascination with Socialism, on the way to Communism which is really just Tyranny. Socialism kills, the left is the party of death.


If it never happens, then there is no problem banning them



She lost me at “regardless of age, race or size, people should be protected.”

That said I will still take hard-core pro-life stances on forums like Fox News, Boomerbart, RT, etc. Because it polarizes the debate and drives the j-left insane. It’s not really worth debating among ourselves because we all know that the unserious cuckservatives on SCOTUS are never going to overturn Roe V Wade. And it just descends into an acrimonious debate into is the trade off of preserving White fetuses worth extra blacks, which is kinda pointless taken into consideration with my first point, i.e. they’re never going to overturn Roe v. Wade for as long as ZOG exists.

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We should publish the names of women who have had abortions. They should be in a register, accessible to the public, like for pedophiles.

We need to get these sluts under control.

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Can you elaborate on that please?

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I respectfully disagree. Maybe the names of the doctors who agreed to it for sacrificing their ethics, but not the women who get them. We also need to teach being classy, and having safe sex and abstinence. Society needs to change its values as a whole. That’s something the government cannot help with or legislate.

Blacks make up about 12/13 percent of our population but only 4 percent of GDP or so. That mean hundreds of billions if not trillion dollars a year we are losing out on. Money that can change hands, taxed etc to lesson the burden on rest of society…money that could help solve our deficit.

The fact that you’re unable to see the larger picture say for more about you then Rick comment.

Rick is hundred percent right.