Caitlyn Jenner: This is another minority group hijacked by the left - YouTube
10 teenage girls disciplined by school board for voicing their concern that young teenage boy shares dressing room.
This is fucking insane demoRATS and their queer ways make normal teen very uncomfortable . Sick motherfuckers beginning with that hair sniffing moron in the WH .
I read that a couple of days ago. It just makes you go WTF!? These sick fucks need to die.
End of times buddy! End of Times!
The feet of iron and clay are on numbered days.
“The Great Harlot that sits on many waters”
Clearly when talking about the whore who indulges in sexual sin with the Kings of many nations" is speaking about America. When we see our culture and stories like these and no one protesting this grotesque display of debauchery and moral depravity then you know what we are witnessing. Bowls are about to be poured out.
I believe that is true. I am definitely a sinner. I believe in Jesus the Saviour. I do my best everyday, but Satan wins too many times. I’m not sure my staunch belief is enough to save me. I pray it is, but…
We are all sinners, but God is faithful, and Jesus did promised life if you accepted it. God will not forsake the believers.
Deep down, I know that, But I’m a weak human that can’t help but think I’m not worthy. We will all know, when the time is at hand.
We all have our weaknesses, but the important thing is to acknowledge him at the beginning of each day, and the end of each day. Having the consistency of a relationship with your creator and dialogue is what will save you. Essentially we all not worthy of his grace, but that is what Jesus did for us. The best part about it is that the greatest gift is also free! Our debts have been paid, all we have to do is acknowledge it, and it is ours.
Thank you brother. I know all this is true, but when you know yourself, and the things you think and do, doubt creeps in.
You bet! Doubt creeping in is Satan coming to seek and destroy us. You just have to stay in the word daily and maintain your focus on God and that doubt goes away. Its achieving the inner peace that is important. Never lose sight of that!
WTF is going on here!!! Another never ending waste of tax dollars.
About time for Jan 6 to occur in Madison.
WhereTF are the parents of these girls. Bet nothing would happen if these girls parent(s) were on the school board???
Have " educators" list all common sense!!!
The break down of American society and values!