Why Trump will win on appeal

What Trump’s camp needs to do is enlighten the dems who took a FUCKING KNEE for a convicted felon for 6 minutes !!!


If white are the majority in the stopped, inspected cars, then all is well.

You’ve covered all the bases except one: the Appeals Process. He can’t appeal to a higher authority until he has standing. (In the law “standing” means an injury that the court can mitigate. He can’t appeal until sentenced. In all the successive eventualities he has standing to appeal every time he receives a ruling he thinks is counter to law, and can then go higher. He can’t skip to SCOTUS without having rulings from all the New York stops along the way. SCOTUS (Second Circuit; Sonia Sotomayor) can reach down, but that’s rare. The time between the appeal being made and ruled upon traditionally is covered by a stay of action by the issuing Judge until a ruling from the appeal, so nobody goes to jail until the final appeal is ruled upon. Normally, this could take years.

No , as long as everyone is stopped there is NOT a problem , why are you trying to make it a problem ? In my experiences non-whites are the majority of those that have warrants , expired inspection stickers , expired registations , unsafe vehicles , loud muffles , drug paraphernalia in the OPEN , pipes , weed , pills , etc.
My God you must be on the ACLU board ! WTF :confounded: :confounded: :confounded:

A road block stops everyone on the road, as long as it is not in area that has more minority drivers, all is well.

Well in black areas WHITES are routinely stopped for suspected drug buys and NO-ONE has a problem with that , NOT the ACLU or YOU .

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