Why Free Speech Is the Last Refuge and the Goal of The Left is to Silence You!

But that’s why so many of these normies don’t understand what’s going on. Especially with the JQ.

Case in point.

Well, I can appreciate your perspective on this, and is thought provoking on many fronts. (mre on that in just a bit)

I am not sure why you would disagree, only because controlling what you do would also includes controlling what you think. After being in Iraq in both phases “Kinetic and Reconstruction” the most common phrase that was repeated by our CO’s is “Hearts and Minds”. On some level I can see where you are going about controlling what you do leads to the hearts and minds part. But I argue the two strategies can be interchangeable in terms of what comes first. The latter almost always seems to be implemented by gun point, whereas in our current discourse come way of indoctrination through our educational system that was a conditioning process over the course of a few generations. So with all considerations and more what Tucker is pointing out in terms of MSM, and the Tech giants unfettered monopoly on controlling free speech, it seems that is what is happening now. Shut down speech so that their ideas can’t be challenged. Have you wondered why AOC refuses to go on any conservative show to debate her policy issues? If you go to the 97% (climate change debate) I wrote a lengthy explanation on why the left wants to shut down free speech, and Climate change is one such example, because when you look at who actually started the debate on global warming, the person who started it had no scientific credentials to begin with, and it seems rather absurd when the truth of it is exposed. Yet why is climate change not being debated on an international stage? Why are the facts not presented and laid out bare for everyone to see? Its really about who is controlling the narrative on such issues.

On Locke and Helvetius:

"The mind is indeed is like dark room and can easily be unlocked (no pun intended) in order to manipulate it based on sensory experience. I find this interesting because of what I was thinking the last few days, about the concept "that humans “are born inherently good.” The argument is, some are born evil. I question but are they really? Then my thread of meditations leads me to this conclusion or at least a theoretical position that I keep contemplating: Humans are naturally born predisposed as good and become whatever manifestation that their world exposure over time influences them to be. The only exception is genetics (extra “Y” chromosome as an example) The most important part in this equation is our parents and the values that they teach to their off-spring.

Based on this premise, and what I just expressed as my own thoughts, I would asked at what point can the mind be manipulated to accept such ideologies so blindly? At what point does the mind become a fortress? In today’s modern climate of technology the biggest commodity is both communication and information, thus why we see such a vast environment of misinformation competing for ones attention in the world today. Does Hearts and Minds and the competing interests to captivate certain groups still apply as a main objective? Is it no wonder why the youth is so important in carry out that objective? Maybe its why Nancy Pelosi wanting to lower the voting age to 16 is raising eyebrows right now? Just something to think about in the larger perspective when discussing this topic, but as someone once said to me on a philosophical note, “the mind is a terrible thing to taste”! We see it everyday here on this forum!

Marshal McLuhan famously said “the medium is the message” and we see it today. Conservatives, by and large get their news from old fashioned sources - print and TV. Progs and the young turn to social media for their news - and to a distressing degree- trust what they read. The Dems/ leftists put a lot more energy into controlling what is online, and the hard left bias of all but Fox on TV is geared toward luring independents toward the left.

That Google, FlakeBook, Instabland etc. are all run by leftists is partly because of all the young, shallow virtue signaling dopes they work to death, and partly because the heads of those organizations are themselves fairly young and enjoy virtue signaling, just like their smartphone addled serfs. Pie in the sky fantasies one might expect from a 16 year old (perhaps this is why the DNC wants to lower the voting age) are promoted, staid, boring meany ‘realism’ and personal responsibility is rejected.

What’s allowed, what isn’t
It is no accident that one must search harder to find a Prager U video than a video of a woman having sex with an animal. The litmus test for presentation is whether a video offends someone somewhere wearing a pussy hat. Content that merely depicts the nightmarish world of women selling themselves for enough money to buy a few meals is ‘free expression’, and widely available on pretty much any search engine.

I have surfed far too often to comment on stories in the news, only to be viciously attacked by swarms of mediamatters trolls. They almost never engage in argument of ideas, only invective, and with a handful of lazy tropes repeated endlessly- ‘racist’ misogynist’ ‘White privilege’ ‘Nazi’ and then the half dozen variants of 'Trumpkin etc. The goal is to silence; in this way the responses ‘seem’ to be overwhelmingly progressive.

In real life, the silencing of conservative speakers is well documented, as is the strategically seated Indivisible trolls who disrupt and shout down GOP townhalls.

The OP mentioned Tucker Carlson and the mediamatters attacks on him. I will watch his show no matter what, to do otherwise is to hoist the white flag to the Thoughtsapo.

I’m just wondering when the US went from “America first” to “anything for Israel.” Back in the day, if Israel had demanded we do anything that wasn’t in our best interests we would have told them to pound sand, just like everyone else. What changed?

And before anyone brings up “but we’re allies!” We’re also “allies” with Saudi Arabia. Real allies don’t conspire and hatch terror plots against you or blackmail you out of your resources, manpower to fight their wars for them.

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Pose that question to Chucky the “schumck” Schummer and see what his response would be! Isn’t he ■■■■■■■

Is he? And we wonder why the rest of the world hates us.

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Yep! Of course he is!

Funny how I posted a recent story about a Obama era Intelligence Official being found guilty of selling secrets to the Chinese and Chuck Schummer is mentioned in the Opener.

“When Senator Chuck Schumer said the “ intelligence community has six ways to Sunday to get back at you “, few realized he meant the IC were treasonous spies and the “you” was our country. An official within the DIA from 2014 to 2018 was selling U.S. intelligence secrets to China and he plead guilty today” ~ Credit Sundance

Certainly explains a few things. Also explains how Amy Schumer who isn’t remotely funny, is considered a successful comedian. It’s not because she’s funny. It’s because she’s a what’s the word?

Amy Schummer is related to Chuck? I did not know that, I never even watched anything she has done except what I have seen in the news about some of the vile comments she has made about Ivanka!

Ron Wyden, Dianne Feinstein, Joe Lieberman, Barbara Boxer, Al Franken and Bernie Sanders.

Guess what they all have in common?

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All comedians?..

Key point: Our society was taken over by ■■■■ arguing FOR free speech.

The First Amendment to the Constitution was about political speech. The ■■■■ then made it about pornography and obscenity, using this to corrupt and corrode society. Now they’re shutting down political speech.

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Yep, German Standups working the Catskills.


I kid. They’re all Leftist. Even Lieberman. Just as I think Wiley was leading to.

Notice the The ■■■■ crowd never seems to mention the Evan Sayets, Ben Steins or Ben Shapiros of the world?

Of course as conservative ■■■■ they may just be hiding out in the closet rather than under the bed.

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Oh I see we have another ■■■ basher hater who can’t help themselves! Good on you to further the conversation while making more disparaging comments against a particular group of people. Don’t play identity politics with talking points to boot do we?

Sexual revolution twits and Cultural Marxist.

You know, I’m just (just) old enough to remember when whites caught up in the sexual revolution would call folks fascists for just suggesting there was something good about being a prude.

Don’t blame The ■■■■ for people whose highest sense of freedom rises no higher than someone’s crotch. That has been going on all over the world since ancient times. Or will you insist that those drawing gigantic penises on walls in Pompeii were ■■■■■

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You might as well be prepared for when they post this… from wikipedia. They grasp at straws. Why not…


Archeological records have proven the existence of a ■■■■■■ population in Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia prior to the infamous eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the year 79. Most of the records are of ■■■■■■ inscriptions that hint of ■■■■■■ life in the area. For example, one inscription reads Sodom Gomor .[12] Some archeologists believe this inscription is a commentary about the wrath of God brought down upon Rome for the destruction of the Second Temple in Jerusalem by Rome in the year 70.[13]

Giant dicks were found everywhere, even the fancy Roman homes had them in frescos.

But if you want to go farther back, it’s said that among the ice age cave paintings in one place in France, IIRC, was found an explicit portrait of a woman’s lower half.

Apparently someone thought their art gallery needed some porn.


Well… I have to go now. I have Laura Croft in a T shirt on top of some crumbling pillar in Syria and we gotta get over to that tomb. Drums are beating.

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I’ve seen a fan comic where Wonder Woman is visiting the Croft mansion and finds that she lives there alone with her butler, a virtual shut-in between adventures.

Diana asks her if she like bats…