Why Do Americans Lose Their Minds When You Insult Their Stupid Ass Country?

That’s “brainLESS”, sugar.

If you’re going to ramble on about your relative intelligence is it is best to watch out for typos.

Because the last edit you do will often be one edit too few.

No - I did in fact mean brainlet. Although brainless might be a better description based upon your post, meat tits.

Hmmm - interesting perspective. I doubt it’ll be some decrepit old fucks who are diabetic and senile anyway, it’ll probably be Gen Z that are among the first true American fascists. I think Gen Z will ultimately be split into a fascist portion mostly comprised of white zoomers and genuine leftists made up of non-white zoomers and their white allies.

Why do you lie? :question:

Just because you can’t meme and don’t know what a brainlet is doesn’t make it a lie, boomer. Here is a hint, see if you recognize the picture:

Tell us, what ■■■■■■ EU country are you from? I bet you can’t buy guns or say bad shit about blacks or Muslims in public. So you probably hop on a VPN to talk shit about America - meanwhile the women of your own ■■■■■■ country are getting their guts raped in by Africans and you sit their like a little shit not doing anything about it crying about the US.

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If you truly meant a brainlet you would have made it plural in that original sentence.

So now all you can do is lie about the lie.

A better question for you cucks to ask is why so many posters here lose their minds when we insult Israel. They come out of the woodwork too. Every. Single. Time.

Because 85% of your stories dont stand up to scrutiny. Ten percent are really stories about liberals that just happen to be ■■■■ acting out their liberalism. And the remaining 5% are just statistically good or bad like any other group.

I imagine the Left for which there remains no part of the old extreme Left that’s extreme to them anymore to be like a flock of angry and canabalistic birds.

These birds sing (virtue signaling etc) not to find a mate or acquire / defend territory but to announce that they conform to the flock, and they eagerly tear into any bird that lets its song deviate too far from whatever the flock is doing at the moment.

Of course it goes without saying that these unwholesome and hyper-conformist brutes are not nice to any people or even other critters outside of their flock.

I’m guessin France. Many wusses in France.

On second thought… it kinda sounds like an American trying to pretend they are from the globalist globe… without a country.

It is a kind of virtue signaling that says “I have a wider view of the world than those gun clutching bible thumpers.”

Kinda like a Rachael Dolezal of globalists. No doubt though… if American, it lives in a shit city run by Dems.

You should see how they’re turning on a gal who dared say: “A woman is someone with a female body and any personality … not a ‘female personality’ and any body. Any other definition is sexism.”

Once the cowardly hordes know which bunch contains the loudest bullies the virtue signaling so they’ll be left alone will commence.

I don’t believe that you can judge a country wholly on some of its behavior and problems.

One could compile a lengthy list of what is great about America, but yeah there’s problems. The mass murders that you mention are a HUGE problem. The only thing that separates the US from the rest of the first world is the abundance of and access to firearms.

The opioid problem can be attributed to predatory capitalism, capitalism is good, and can raise all boats if it’s regulated properly.

As to our wars and history of exploitation, there simply is no excuse. The Pentagon is planning on resource wars. And in some respects the Pentagon is rogue. After finally succeeding in getting that behemoth audited, it failed its audit, nevertheless the president and both houses of congress have approved increasing Pentagon budgets…