Where the Jobs Aren’t

Little to offer but obvious victim mentality due to subpar critical thinking.

When you allow unlimited immigration of impoverished migrants from all over the world and give them free education, free healthcare, free housing, food stamps, etc., everyone else has to bear those costs. Hence the cost of living skyrockets.


Its been like that since the Roman Empire days

The best way is let entrepreneurs be entrepreneurs, take the chains off of them and let them flourish like it was in the old days

Without entrepreneurs, there are no jobs whether you live in the city, rural or a tent.

Think about this why is China flourishing, why did Hong Kong flourish, why is parts of India flourishing.

Now ask why isn’t Venezuela flourishing, or North Korea or Cuba?

Cites in 2019 are where only the rich have jobs and participate in democracy… the ordinary and poor struggle because of democrat over regulation…

NOW DONT CONFUSES ME WITh one percenters, I am for the rich doing as they please!

I am against democrats punishing the poor for trying to take small capital to build a business.

Example, plumbers if you don’t have a proper license you will be fined to bankruptcy .

If you get your hands on a pushcart you pick out the fresh fruits and vegetables of the day and try to sell on the corner of your street you will be arrested for not having 25 different licenses and permits .

Pass out brochures for your historic tour of the city and be arrested for soliciting,

Try to compete with unions for contracts in the city and you go out of business .

Look at images of New York, Boston before 1980, they cities are filthy but the middle class is booming …

Down town Boston looks like a post card now, but the towns where the graduates of the public schools live look like hell. Talk to them and the conversation makes you wonder where they came from.
Wonder why many have bad attitudes, and look at the opportunity they have to do anything with out the local municipality controlling what they do …

Cities are meant to be jumping ground of Young entrepreneurs young talented individuals putting your talent to work .

No longer , if you are from a city you are in shackles

Not to mention stagnant wages