What is Going On with these Mysterious Drones?

Middle of the ocean!

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


The Biden administration is doing this (while blaming Iran) in order to extend itself by declaring some kind of emergency power and to prevent Trump from taking office.

Some kind of false flag by the Deep State.

One hypothesis we need to take seriously.

That is a possibility! With all things considered, the US Government has the capability to capture satellite surveillance imagery from outer space and can easily detect where these drones are coming from. Its another reason why no one believes the official narrative from the Pentagon that they don’t know anything. The American people are not stupid to believe otherwise which makes this entire fiasco (if indeed its a false flag) absurd.

Of course they know what and where they are coming from. They are our’s. There is no other explanation for the poo pooing replies and lack of concern. Fuck the Govt. and fuck this administartion. Jan 20 can’t get here soon enough.


That is why it makes this whole situation ridiculous!

This is starting to make sense based on what witnesses have been reporting seeing. Size, speed, changing into airplanes etc.

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Absolutely! We haven’t seen any of that.
They probably know where the drones are coming from.

Maybe it’s a lot of fear-mongering that the drones are spraying something.

Gee, I thought chemtrails were bad enough.
Imagine some unknown drones spraying poison over your town.