What has America become?

I think the signs of times in getting ready are over. We need to be ready.

In my case, it was pinball machines and color TV.

What’s that word? Is that a misspelling or a new word for me?

If it was true that the vast majority only watch TV and believe everything it says Donald Trump would never have won the election. A rich, white, older man who doesn’t have a team of political consultants shaping his policies to focus group tested perfection unafraid to offend the party mandarins, could never capture the Republican nomination according to the media. Instead, Trump exploited the media’s obsession with belittling him to literally billions in free publicity.

It’s a pity we no longer educate our children in American history. If we did, they would realize the current infatuation with socialism espoused by Democrat nominee candidates isn’t innovation nor has it delivered anything it promises.

The great fascist Progressive FDR promised relentlessly experimentation to fix the Great Depression. Instead it prolonged it into a decade with far less actual progress in terms of making ordinary people’s lives better than the roaring 20’s. Fast forward to the mortgage meltdown where Obama promised to “pivot to jobs” after just one more massive push towards creating a fundamental transformation to socialism. While we haven’t escaped all of FDR’S socialist legacy the “complacent” American voters elected Donald Trump to reverse Obama’s damage to the Republic.

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What do you need to be ready for.

No results containing all your search terms were found.

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Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
Try different keywords.
Try more general keywords.
Try fewer keywords.

It was misspelled :grimacing: I meant to say “obliviations” :wink:

It also depends on who does the educating.

Yes, he was a stooge of the banksters. But many believe he was a savior of the day. He and his wife were communists. Interestingly, big banks and communism are inseparable.

It looks like a “fat finger” mistake to me. The “v” is right next to the “b” on a qwerty keyboard.

Either way, it’s a trivial matter…nothing worth prosecuting. :laughing:

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Hmm… haven’t seen evidence of FDR being a stooge of big banks. He spent a lot of time demogoging so-called economic royalists and expanding Federal control over the economy squeezing banks out.

It’s a fine distinction but FDR had far more affinity for fascism than communism. Fascism is a variant of socialism. Socialism is the transition phase from capitalism to communism. I haven’t seen any evidence of FDR embracing a transition to communism. The President for life liked being a fascist strong man too much to want to share power.

Socialism is euphemism for communism.


I’m not in full agreement with the article; just to point out the connection with big banks.

His New Deal programs were failed communist policies.
Roosevelt is a Dutch variant of the ■■■■■■ name “Rosenfeld” while Delano comes from his maternal uncle who was a drug dealer in Shanghai.

He is the one who put the occult symbols on the back of the dollar bill. I will say no further on this matter.

Old adage: No matter how big & tough you are, there’s always someone smaller & weaker, who can blow your fucking brains out.

Once in a while we have a spirit lifter; so it just needs to catch on. Stand up & be counted among men; and let the chips fall. https://youtu.be/QpdKyZ-J8Fw?t=18 Five years probation for removing a monster from society. Seems like a good deal if you ask me.

I won’t disagree with that.

LIBERALISM is what happened that morphed into PROGRESSIVE-ISM which as the article states is just another way to say communism and socialism. It has crept up on our society over 8 decades slow and determined but they put the “pedal to the metal” during the Obama Administration thinking they had a clear road to tyranny and are now imploding on themselves since voters played the TRUMP card and have exposed themselves for the Commie double standard SOB’s our elected politicians really are!

After Reagan the country had 28 years of downhill liberal leaning do nothing for the people Presidents that included both Bushes, Clinton and Obama! Trump did more in the first two years then the past 4 Presidents combined, while under constant attack no less, so he has paved the way for others to follow suit allowing voters to make a clear choice between lies and truth, action or inaction and of course liberty and freedom or socialism and communism.


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The only constant in the universe is change. Whatever America has become today, it will certainly be something different tomorrow and again the day after, metaphorically speaking.

That is correct. What Trump has done in the three short years is to reverse the trend toward Marxism in the 20th century. Where did America go wrong? The Fed Act signed by Wilson.

Really??? We still have the patriot act, and the national debt which Trump made such a stink about during the campaign, has soared during his first three years despite his promise to pay it off, and his pledged balanced budgets that the idiot bragged were so easy…well, he’s signed RECORD budget deficits.

People still haven’t figured out why it exists.

It will grow as long as we (meaning the US or any country in the “West”) have a privately owned central bank.
People still haven’t figured out why it exists, either.

Well, the point was Trump, and why he isn’t doing maga with that. It’s what America has become. Run by the central banks on borrowed money with record deficits and Trump doing NOTHING about it.