No it’s not. But even if it was, the courts are full of precedent that hearsay is admissible.
Only under special circumstances. This is not one of those circumstances.
All first hand accounts say you are a liar. Only hearsay accounts (telephone game) agree with you. Why is that?
That was the clean up on isle 6.
That conversation was AFTER Trump learned of the whistleblower and AFTER he learned that Congress was investigating the QPQ. I’m not a liar, you however are being loose with the facts.
You have no clue what the circumstances are.
Also, you just demonstrated in the post above that Sondland had first hand knowledge.
Sondland also testified that “EVERYBODY was in the loop”.
You don’t believe direct evidence but you do believe second, third and forth hand information. Okay. We are done here.
About the way you eat up Trump’s wingman Barr…
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