As ERPO’s have demonstrated.
You can always tell when someone isn’t having an honest discussion when they tell someone else to explain their point to you. Apparently you can’t make your point. Maybe that’s because your point isn’t very strong, or at the very least you just don’t understand it very well.
No, I’m merely pointing out that they are the controlling decisions and apparently you are clueless as to what they say.
Hint go directly to the part in Heller where Scalia explains what reasonable and long standing restrictions and regulations are acceptable.
None that infringe on “The Right of The People” are.
This shitbag Virginia Governor can go fuck himself with his blackface and bullshit.
LEOs aren’t going to arrest their fucking cousins in the hills of Virginia just because some homo communist wants to indiscriminately disarm US citizens.
The leftists need to be taught a fucking lesson.
It appears that Virginia is the battleground. The only way they won was through vote fraud. But they will attempt to change the country based on what they do in Virginia.
You still can’t explain the point to me. You really don’t understand your own point, so why should I consider you to have any credibility? What if I said, “I"m right. Search Google.” You wouldn’t put much stock into that, would you? Now if I explained my argument to you then you would probably put a lot more stock into what I was saying.
This is not true. Virginia usually goes Democratic. Geographically, about 2/3rds of the state go Republican, and that part is always counted first. Then the Northern 1/3 is counted and it usually takes the state.
They are law ENFORCEMENT officers. They will follow the law or be flipping burgers at mc donalds.