Trump admits it: He's losing

People, Vote For Biden. aka - People, Let’s Cut Our Own Throats.


The worst of fake ass news !!! Simply click bait for morons and dipshit Monty , RUSSIA RUSSIA , RUSSIA . Unnamed sources like Monty and John McCain , polling by members of the DNC , can’t wait for the 3 debates . I hope that water buffalo hands slow Joe the debate questions before the start of the debates like she did for Hillary .

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I do not dislike Biden; hate is a terrible word; and even worse when people hate without really knowing why. The tree dwellers descend, run amok, and have no idea why they are behaving the way they do; other than, they enjoy being primitive, and are at the beck & call of people like Soros. With all our faults, all our warts, America is the greatest county in recorded history. IF ERASED, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN. Growing up in the 50s, I was privileged to see the very best of America; and now I’m seeing the very worst. I weep for my grandchildren.

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Did they conger up John McCain ?

Please show me a verified statement or a video, where Trump states, “I AM LOSING”. I do not believe he’s losing; but if you can show me what I requested, I will stand corrected. Take your time.


OH, they don’t have to… cause, you know, anonymous people close to him said so. :smiley:

Sensible people do not blame President Trump for what Russia does to hurt our troops.

The radical Muslims are already sworn to kill all ‘infidels’, so what changes when they are offered money to do it? Nothing!

If you expect Biden to increase sanctions on Russia, you are completely naive. Biden has already said he would erase the Trump tax cuts and then increase taxes on top of that. He may very well increase our aid to Nato and other entities including WHO, Germany and EU nations. Biden is a goddamned globalist.