This is excerpted from AG Wm Barr’s comments at a legal conference. It is from Part A. where he also mentions the term used by Dems for their “Resistance.”
As I have said, the Framers fully expected intense pulling and hauling between the Congress and the President. Unfortunately, just in the past few years, we have seen these conflicts take on an entirely new character.
Immediately after President Trump won election, opponents inaugurated what they called “The Resistance,” and they rallied around an explicit strategy of using every tool and maneuver available to sabotage the functioning of his Administration. Now, “resistance” is the language used to describe insurgency against rule imposed by an occupying military power. It obviously connotes that the government is not legitimate. This is a very dangerous – indeed incendiary – notion to import into the politics of a democratic republic. What it means is that, instead of viewing themselves as the “loyal opposition,” as opposing parties have done in the past, they essentially see themselves as engaged in a war to cripple, by any means necessary, a duly elected government.
Same old bs lies. Obama was going to take away the guns too. Instead he gave you back your privilege to carry them onto Amtrak trains and into the national parks.
Now, “resistance” is the language used to describe insurgency against rule imposed by an occupying military power. It obviously connotes that the government is not legitimate. This is a very dangerous – indeed incendiary – notion to import into the politics of a democratic republic. What it means is that, instead of viewing themselves as the “loyal opposition,” as opposing parties have done in the past, they essentially see themselves as engaged in a war to cripple, by any means necessary, a duly elected government.
The GOP leaders knew that Obama wanted to move the Country toward Communism but we opposed him as the loyal opposition.
He failed but not for a lack of trying. He pounced on every high profile shooting that occurred during his presidency to promote new “sensible gun control legislation” that would have put more than a thousand common firearms makes on a banned list.
The ammo crunch was a two part problem, first the rush to buy it up in bulk “just in case” and the shortage of components due to Russian and China buying up all of the copper they could lay their hands on driving the price through the roof and choking off the supply.
I am open to whatever is the truth. If your explanation is it, fine.
But the moment I learn of something which discounts that narrative, I will return to my belief that he was attempting to remove our ability to exercise our 2nd A rights not by grabbing our guns, but in making it impossible to find or afford ammo.
It never happened. There was a huge freak out over some federal contracts for the DEA, ICE, CP&B etc for like 5 Bn rounds of ammo that were floating around the conspiracy blogs.
The contracts however were for ammo to be purchased over 10-20 year time spans for the life of new or upgraded weapons.
That’s nothing compared to the annual use of ammo by our armed forces when engaged in actual hostilities such as during the surges in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Soak on this for a while. During the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan we have expended upwards of 250,000 rounds of small arms ammo for every enemy combatant killed.
We produce about 14 Billion rounds of military small arms ammo in the US annually.
He didn’t take away any guns!!! And he signed legislation allowing them onto Amtrak and into the NP’s.
What has the faux president done other than demonstrate his constitutional ignorance by suggesting there are times that the police should confiscate guns and let the courts sort it out later…
If you are former military, how familiar are you with the challenge of accomplishing a combat mission while your subordinates or followers are attacking your decisions right and left?
How does a military leader deal with attacks on his command which undermine his person, his leadership and his very command authority?
When we see a mama lion taking her cubs from one place to another, we always see the cub suspend any movement or yowling while the mother has the cub in her mouth.