There is So Much Rape in Stockholm That Emergency Services Can't Keep Up

Agree totally!

It’s why I’m pro-castration for perpetrators of rape and incest.

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I think every one needs to break wind!

And first in line for castration would be paedophiles in my book. They’d never violate another child for the rest of their worthless lives. ‘Useless eaters’ is what they are.

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I agree however I think they’re tied with incestous relatives. Both are heinous crimes.

An honest Swedish girl responds to the manipulation.

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Wl[quote=“Watchman_Libtard, post:124, topic:4864, full:true”]

I agree however I think they’re tied with incestous relatives. Both are heinous crimes.

They always claim in their defence when they’re caught out that they were ‘abused as a child’; that doesn’t make sense though, because if they had been, they wouldn’t inflict the same experiences upon children in later life. They’re mutants of our species, and should be put down with extreme prejudice.

Hell, we were ALL “abused as a child”

I consider having to clean out the chicken coup as abuse. But nothing I’d claim in court.

Frankly I’m effiging sick and tired of this defense. It shows a total disregard for those who actually were sexually abused as children.

It’s right up there with the woman who boards an airplane with a tiny little purse dog not found in nature wearing a “Comfort Animal” jacket.

It’s beyond disgusting.

Well everybody knows that paedophiles are notoriously convincing liars, but in these liberal days they know that by playing the ‘victim card’ there’s a good chance it will work in their favour, and they’re dead right - it nearly always does. The liberal juries end up feeling sorrier for them than the poor kid they violated or raped.