The US Is 5 Years Away from a National Debt Death Spiral. Here's Why Net interest on the national debt has become one of the fastest growing segments of federal spending

We have people all over these threads saying otherwise, yet you libs keep repeating this lie.

Besides the fact that you don’t have to be a lib to despise DT, did you not see what Cross said, that I quoted and responded to?

What does this have to do with what I said?

You made a blanket statement. I showed why it is wrong.

You make a lot of false statements. You can do better. I know you can.

I quoted another poster claiming that debt and deficits don’t matter, pointing out that they sure did matter to Trump and his supporters during the campaign, and used as a tool to beat Obama up.

Nothing false about that. :man_shrugging:

The next 10-20 could literally be the make or break moment for our country. Rising deficits and massive immigration from third world countries don’t paint a pretty picture at all.

To be fair most voters whether left or right could give a flying rats ass about the deficit or debt and all politicians know it. How many politicians have been elected with their primary message has been to eliminate the deficit. The fact is that without significant changes to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid it’s going to be impossible to make significant reductions to the current deficits.

Unfortunately, that’s likely true, but besides the point that the 19.8 trillion dollar debt was one of Trumps focal points during the campaign. And during rally’s to the cheers of his supporters, he regularly criticized Obama for it. Not only that, but during the campaign he vowed to pay off the ND in eight years and despite bragging that as president he would run balanced budgets, has signed record budget deficits. And that’s what makes this all important.

Gratuitous war in the ME, as even Trump is keen to point out, has cost 7 TRILLION dollars already since 9/11. Imagine how much richer America would be had that wasted money been spent on repairing America’s failed infrastructure instead of blowing up people and infrastructure across the ME to no benefit to Americans… :wink:

You won’t get no argument from me on. Most of the GOP are complete hypocrites with regards to the debt and deficits. But’s lets be fair all the democrat candidates are talking about massive increases in government spending if they were to become president.

Money and you are either completely brainwashed, Partisan hacks or just what does the left say, uneducated.

  1. Congress approves all budgets and spending.
    The president get to sign it after it’s passed by BOTH PARTIES.
    The president could veto it however the CONGRESS, BOTH PARTIES could easily over ride it.

  2. CONGRESS and only congress approves all appropriations, spending. As we have seen Congress can withhold spending forcing the government to shutdown non essential services.
    The president can do nothing about spending should congress withhold approval as they recently proved.

As to Trump he remains a non politician and naive when it comes to government spending and the leftists have proven to him he is powerless when it comes to spending.

And the LEFT as well as the right are both hypocrites when it comes to spending. Neither will cut spending and the only difference is what they want to waste money on.

p.s. 2/3rds of spending is mandated by law, PERIOD. Only CONGRESS can change the law unless your Obama who wrote EO’s bypassing congressional power. But congress did bend over for it until Trump tried the same thing only to see the democrats take out to the courts. Proving the democrats are the consummate hypocrites.

A shame you and the previous poster are uneducated when out comes to your government and how if functions which is at best dysfunctional.

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Indeed. The democrats own the national debt as much as republicans do. The problem is that the democrats aren’t typically the ones promising to pay off the ND, that’s a Republican talking point that never happens. It’s my perennial complaint about faux conservatism. At least democrats acknowledge that taxes have to be raised to fund their social programs.