
Unwilling to accept sub standard candidates for office

Change our expectations for government. People need to become self reliant and not expect mommy government to provide

A few changes that need to become re as little before we collapse as a nation

I’m not sure where you get/think that people just accept sub standard candidates? We have been “voting” for sub standard… lesser of two evils for the last 20 years, because that’s what we have to choose from. It’s even that way in the primary… pick the least offensive (still useless) person to represnt you…lol. There are never any qualified/quality candidates to choose from. What do you do?

It doesn’t matter what our expectations for government are… or haven’t you noticed?

Change always starts with ourselves first. Expecting others to change for us never ends well.


Now that you know that the 2020 elections were rigged, then its pretty easy to put 2 and 2 together right? I mean that those lesser of two evils was by design because its always been a selection and not an election. Trump was the horse that left the corale.


Yep. I’m not a Trump fan, but I will vote for him if…when he is the nominee. There are better people, but they won’t subject themselves to the bullshit of running for POTUS.

Its quite possible the entire charade has run its course. For a period of time things ran pretty smoothly, not perfect but we had a good run.

I will vote for Trump if he wins the nomination too. It will probably be the last time I vote as well. I will return to my real elders and sweat out my impurities for a new beginning in solitude if things really go south and we as a nation can’t fix our leaking ship.


The difference between the left and right, the left will back any democrat no matter how bad or corrupt as we see today, the right not so much.

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I was just reading this piece of news and I am asking if this is possible? What will happen if the authorities arrest him?

Maybe what America needs to wake its a$$ up and start taking it to the streets and to liberals.

The DOJ is probing whether Trump obstructed justice in bringing classified documents to Mar-a-Lago.

Removing documents is obstructing justice how???

Obstruction of justice broadly refers to actions by individuals that illegally prevent or influence the outcome of a government proceeding. While the quintessential example of obstruction of justice involves tampering in a judicial proceeding, there are numerous laws on obstruction of justice, covering all branches of government and targeting different kinds of obstruction.

A catch al at best.

This is the stupidity that will not allow his country to move on.

I am not sure but coming from Ty Cobb, and then the usual suspect when it comes to the sources that are reporting that Trump’s most likely going to jail, I have no idea who to believe anymore.

And didn’t Biden just get caught with classified documents in his garage a few months ago? Seems the double standard is in vogue these days.

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Says it all. A catch all ignored with Biden’s over reach Garage at the think tank. Secured at the Trump home vs for anyone with Biden’s storage locations.


Exactly! At some point the law of averages has to catch up when applying equal justice under the law.

We are slowly waking up to the fact that our government is indeed the criminals!


Certainly corrupt. 2 tier justice system, alive and well.


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Trump just put out this meme in anticipation of Ron DeSantis’s announcement for the Presidency in 2024

This was brutal.


Interesting our esteemed candidate would rather trash republicans than democrats and prefers to ignore the issues of the day.

This is why I and most independents detest the Rump.

With luck he will be in jail by November 2024.

Butt buddies is why Jason/Jit the zit is laughing as they snuggle up to the Rump anus.


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