Anybody know a rule were you have to keep one avatar?? Lol

Again, showing how deficient you are when it comes to being able to think. Changing your avatar is a sign of a person who is insecure about themselves which you have demonstrated numerous times here.

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I think you’re being concerned about how I look tells us more about your insecurities and your jealousy…
Grow up boomer

You are the boomer! And reverse projection is not going to work when we already know you are the biggest loser here who is an attention seeking a$$hole who needs to copy other people’s threads here because you got nothing better else to do.

Fat pizza making boomer!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Woooo bro calm down , we don’t play that

Yeah tell us how you get the “pussy”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Charm, looks and skill. You see the ass I get

Right! Because its the internet! You can be anything and claim anything you want and still no one will believe you. You are a pathological liar and you already proven that as fact!

Thanks I needed a laugh from this sites Number one clown! The “Jizzer”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Thank you for your support.

The number one Clown here on PB! Nice edit on your part which proves you are the liar that we all know you to be! Again you troll yourself pickle smoocher!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Can’t we all just along here. Let’s all be nice to each other?

Can’t we all just along here. Let’s all be nice to each other?

Trolling yourself again?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

New ad that should be running 24/7

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How was yours first?

Why do you troll here all the time? Are things that bad at home for you?

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This is what he does. He trolls threads and then copies them and claims they are his own. Why? Because he is desperate for attention and with the exception SP most try to ignore this asshat! He is a plague to this place and offers no real substance to further conversations here because he is an ignorant fool and pathological liar looking for attention.

Isn’t it evident? He resorts to this childish behavior of inventing conversations because he has the mind of a 6th grader and can’t think of any thing original to say or express intelligently.

Here just in case you were wondering?

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Watch out he will come back with more infantile name calling. :joy:

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This was my original thread, but she made a mistake and didn’t look at the date and removed mine, so I got the go ahead to start this one, I just figured she would have merged them by now. No name calling buddy, how’s your week going?

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Where is your proof? Who is she? And why are you so obsessed with having this thread as yours?

And you ask no name calling but you post a fake conversation that is perverse? What kind of psycho are you?