The 'My Boxes' Theory Is All You Need To Explain Trump's Behavior

From what I heard, the American embassy was located in the middle (or rather a populated area) of Teheran. No way a handful of uniformed military could sneak in, without alarming a big crowd of people, take the hostage back and leave. It was no go and would even sound very amateurish before it started, though it was a top secret operation, as you mention.

Iranians who allowed young radicals to take over the American embassy paid a high price nearly 40 years later when their embassy in Damascus was bombed.

Sadam was no angel, but what America did to Iraqis will haunt America for centuries. What did the monster bitch Secretary of State (who claimed she didn’t know she was Jooish) say? Sanctions that killed 500,000 Iraqi children were worth? Not to mention civilian deaths, of course.

These people have the same mentality as Zelensky. Goy lives don’t matter. It didn’t matter what happened to the Iraqi citizens and American veterans who suffer from whatever effects from depleted uranium shells and possibly other biological weapons.


Eight helicopters had to fly nearly 700 miles to a desert landing strip, where they would rendezvous with Delta Force, flying in on C-130s. But one helicopter dropped out because of an impending blade failure.
The remaining seven had to grope their way through unexpected clouds of dust. “It was kind of harrowing. We were about 300 feet and we couldn’t see the ground at 300 feet.”
Disoriented, another helicopter turned back. The remaining six finally made it to Desert One, where Delta Force was having its own problems. A bus full of Iranians had appeared on a dirt road that ran through the landing zone. As illustrated in the documentary, Delta Force stopped it with a grenade round, and detained the passengers.
With the mission scrubbed, the rescue force had to get out of Iran as fast as possible.
Eight Americans were killed – five crew members of the C-130, and three in the back of Schaefer’s helicopter. Their bodies left behind .

We can agree to disagree, here, as elsewhere.


Where did you get the following 2 paragraphs from?

I don’t recall writing this.

I wrote that and the formatting put it too close to your stuff. That’s never happened before but I didn’t what to do. I spaced it out, but the formatting deleted the extra spaces. I had to leave and was in a hurry.

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It’s a good content.
I was a wondering who wrote it.

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You are obviously a man of great intelligence, with a discerning mind that can recognize the difference between blather and pure bullshit.

Those bleeding heart liberal demoRATS would NEVER allow such abuse of humans ! Many thought if we apologized to Iran everything would get better . 70% of the demoRATS were genderbenders at that time .

Yeah, that’s Jimmy, too. He didn’t know how to play by rules set by the other side, so he (and all Liberals) play by the Marquess of Queensberry Rules and the others guys are punching him in the balls and kidneys and biting his ears. I’m a lowest common denominator kind of guy and will play by the rules as dirty as the other side and give as good as I get. With Islam; that’s no rules at all. Losing on principle is losing.

They’re talking about Hamas still having 100 hostages. Make that 80 bodies scattered in tunnels and 5 barely alive, for now. They only took them because they believed the Israelis would cave when Iran leaned on China to lean on their paid agent, Joe.

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Carter was big on “human rights.”

I didn’t write it, but it sure sounds reasonable.
Remember, Iran then was in the midst of a chaos and still very weak.

That was me, too. I will quote separately from now on.

In addition to the fact that Iran’s military had suffered great losses in its stupid war against Iraq, there were still supporters of the Shah regime, which was pro-American. (Not all Iranians are Muslim fanatics; there are still pro-western forces inside and outside Iran)

It’s a shame that Carter didn’t seem to take that into account.

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Here’s a scary thought.
Simpson’s predictions are known to happen (quite often).

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Killary Clinton potting again …

ROTFLMAO. Good one, needed the laugh.

Much ado about nothing. Speak in a serious tone and recite a few coincidences and call them predictions. The Simpsons were comedy figures and the staple of comedy is outrageous parody. Something is ironic or funny if an unexpected turn or outcome replaces the expected. Disney in its heyday of non-political happy-family-vacationland Magic Kingdom and cartoons buying dead serious conservative Fox News was totally out of character and so, outrageous and funny at the time. Disney has grown into a monstrosity bastion of queers taking on the governor of Florida, making bad movies and losing money hand over fist. Did the Simpsons predict lots of strange movies replacing iconic characters with politically correct substitutes that were the equivalent of non-sequiturs? Can you imagine what they could have done with that? The children of founders very often cash-in and move on after pop’s out of the way. Nothing to see here. Saturday Night Live does skits where famous people look-a-likes do & say things that are counter to their persona, or especially things that would reveal them to be two-faced, dishonest, etc. Things that are especially outrageous, like Mother Teresa picking pockets or selling Time-Shares in Leprosy Colonies are funny because they are so far from the expected/reality. If you do parody on a regular basis, some of the outrageous things will turn out to happen. If someone did a skit with a President’s son selling his father’s influence on a world market to enemies of the US in 2010, it would have sounded outrageous, or an ex-President on trial for accounting errors in 1985, that’s outrageous. Killer (Murder) hornets have been around a long time as the natural enemy of Cicada. Anything with a spicy name or persona is excellent parody fodder.


We had no idea that Disney had a dark agenda which became very obvious only in recent years.

It is a conspiracy theory that many children go missing in the Magic Kingdom in California and Florida. No such news comes from Tokyo, but who knows?

Hunter Biden, a Pelosi son, and other Dems had a hand in the Ukraine cesspool.

I heard that “she” was a very dark character who was involved in child / human trafficking in India.

Really? Mother Teresa? That’s kind of pushing the envelope. I think you need to support that or don’t publish the statement. You get a U for the day.

Only a few sources. There’s no smoke without fire.