The Los Angeles Wildfires: Apocalyptic

Things that make me say Hmmm? Or my head is spinning from sensory overload, take your pick! This latest explanation I was skeptical about, but now? I don’t know.

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They never mention the weird nature of the fires which melt metals but leave trees alone, just like in Paradise Calif and Hawaii.

This right here is more telling more than anything.

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This excerpt was great! The book that Mel Gibson references “Collapse” is one that I read by author Jared Diamond, who also wrote "Guns Germs and Steel. Very insightful as what is currently happening to the state of California which was once a beautiful state.

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They are now eating their own in order to save their own skin. Karen Bass just fired the newly hired fire chief Kristen Crowley for blaming the fire on her.

Karen Bass however needs to be pressured to resign!

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Elections have consequences. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Some jobs are not meant for women.

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I’d say 80% of all jobs in the work place are not meant for women.

When I was still working… pre retirement (I’m still working)… my supervisor always said “C—s in the workplace ruin everything.”


Will the Governor of California be forced to resign? Or the Mayor of Los Angeles? Who will be first?

Have not seen any working ships and Oil drilling platforms. Why? Can women pick up a 10 stone man out of a burning building?

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Hey, tell us about the earthquake in Tibet.
You’re in Tibet, ain’t you?

One thing is for certain. In recent years it’s getting harder and harder to tell if a given disaster is entirely natural or maybe somebody is messing with nature.

“Weather warefare” is a relatively new term, but the concept has been around for some time.

The more we know the more infuriated we become!

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To be able to hire female firefighters they reduced the physical requirements, like carrying a bunch of gear.
