The Correct Explanation of Nationalism

None of this disproves the points I made previously.

Too hypothetical.

Zionists have made too many enemies because of their evil deeds. A fact.

They have had enemies from the beginning, so don’t go there.

They were dealing fairly at the beginning. Buying land, doing business, etc.

So answer me this, are you a Islamist since you have such hatred for the ■■■■■■ people? Hate by anyone only harms the person doing the hating. Sad that.

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No. I’m not a Muslim.
No. I have no hatred the ■■■■■■ people.

I just hate satanic people.

Then why condemn a group without knowing them?

Banksters and satanists are one and the same.
They make up the Deep State.

Law-abiding ■■■■■■ citizens are victims just like anybody else.

What about law abiding bank employees?

I’m talking about “too big to fail” banks.

If the employees have a lick of conscience, they wouldn’t be working there.

Where do you work, if you do work? Could you be criticized for the job you have?

I work in the health industry at the present.

Be it acupuncture or chiropractic, there is a fine line between doing people good and actually damaging their health.
A lot of grey area too.
You can satisfy the customers (patients) by making them feel good temporarily and charge money for it, but actually damage their overall health.

Trump is cleaning swamp. A slow process. His nationalism hasn’t gone anywhere. He is trudging through mud and doing the dirty work. The tip of the spear of action, not daydreaming, intellectualism and an imagined destiny. The swamp aren’t of any particular nationality. That’s a distraction.

That is laughable and a really stupid thing to say. You should read the history of Islam.

I realize that you have an aversion to learning anything that conflicts with your idiotic conspiracy delusions, but I do suggest you read a book or two on the subject of Islam and its history.

One in particular in Slavery, Terrorism and Islam by Peter Hammond.

In the paperback edition, on page 36, read about the early Muhammad and the later Muhammad.

At the time that radical Muslim movements were created, Israel did not exist.

I don’t necessarily agree with the articles, but something to chew on

■■■■ remain ■■■■ before, during and after the state of Israel.

Even MDs, osteopaths and other patient care workers have flaws and practices that are subject to the same sort of scrutiny. Would you damn all healthcare workers for the overt and covert actions which often cause the patients’ death? Of course not. Apply the same standard to your prejudices.

Hopefully you’re right about that…

Osteopathy is effective and yet harmless and has no side-effects while acupuncture, massage, chiropractic (and many other modalities including modern medicine) are powerful and can work against the patient, if not done properly.

Sadly, many acupuncturists and massage therapists, etc., are interested in making money, and not so much in the health of their patients.

Nationalism is fine, in my view. But it is a double-edged sword in the hands of the blind.