Technical glitch results in hundreds of invalid voter registrations in Illinois

25,000x more annual deaths are attributed to forks than “assault weapons”.

When have you ever cared about voters…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Clarify that please; do you men individual legal voters or those who vote illegally?

Oh really? Then how do you explain the bullet train to nowhere or the fact they are Nations leader in massive debt?

For someone who makes false assertions about federal record Budget deficits you certainly love to cherry pick your favourite talking points while ignoring the truth of others!

I don’t know if their economy carries America, but, Illegal Immigration Costs California $30.3 Billion A Year … costs - illegal -immigration- california Illegal immigrant families received nearly $1.3 billion in Los Angeles County welfare money during 2015 and 2016, nearly one-​quarter of the amount spent on the county’s entire needy population.
The data was obtained from the county Department of Public Social Services – which is responsible for doling out the benefits – and gives a snapshot of the financial costs associated with sanctuary and related policies.

California has the sixth largest economy on the planet, at 2.5 trillion, 30B is junk change and it doesn’t factor in what undocumented labor contributes to California’s economy.

Like so many things, Americans create their own problems. The relationship between the cartel and Americans appetite for illicit drugs comes to mind.

Which of course has nothing to do with the thread topic at hand! Once again you prove how you deliberately derail threads! Thanks for that!

American voters. As a strategy, republicans prefer low voter turn out to win elections.

Derailing again, you didn’t answer my comment!!!Reread again.

Please rephrase the comment/question…

The thread is about the " tecnical "glitch in Illinpis.Commiefornia refused to cooperate in turning over their voters. I answered how surprising and former Mayor Dailey could have hand in it seeing how voters in Chicago rise
from the grave to vote.Ia this clearer!!!

Yes, thank you…

Your very welcome!!!

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Yes it contributes bunches to keeping wages artificially low and making it even more difficult for citizens and those legally present to find a job at all.

Some contribution.