Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

The evil of ALL evil !!!





It appears to me that somebody (or somebodies, as Paul Harvey used to say) were telling boys that they would be happier as girls, and vice versa.

There are perverted parents for sure, but perverted educators are a big problem.

Somebody/somebodies are telling all the folks in poorer countries that life in the US is much better.

We all know it’s the gender -bending demoRATS and the abortion queens .

“No one is safe! Americans need to arm themselves now” ICE agents warn

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When the shit hits the fan go after the motherfuckers that allowed these bastards into our Country , get a one way ticket to DC !!!

Mayorkas and this organization needs to be killed!

Didgevillage was right damn joo …

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Immigration is a weapon of mass destruction and its all by design. Ammo up!


The fastest way to deal with these black motherfuckers is with plenty of ammo and several weapons !!!


The time for talk is over! They revealed exactly what their plan is and have put it into action while the masses lulled with slack jaw on social media and look on in shock.

Ammo up is right!

Just Yesterday a 71 year old woman was murdered by a Haitian immigrant and you know why the media is not covering that story!


Joo has nothing to do with it


Sheriff Richard Jones of Butler County, Ohios statement about the adverse effects of illegal immigration on his community, highlighting increased crime, significant costs for housing detainees, and the broader implications for national security. Today 9/10/24

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So when in the hell are you going to do something about it beside tell us the obvious ?

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Who is your question directed to? Me? Or is your question rhetorical in nature?

It was directed to the Sheriff .

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I think he is trying to do something by spreading awareness and urging residents to act accordingly. Such as being alert and properly preparing oneself with a self defense mindset.

They are the ones who can actually do something about that situation besides talk . They can pressure legislators to pass laws stopping this bullshit .

Sure they can, but legislatures are ignoring them too, in some instances being actively defunded for the sake of spurning on and encouraging the country’s demise. Some just want to burn everything down just so they can rule over the ashes.

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