Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

Counting all the NEW demoRAT votes .


Most know all of this but seem to allow it to go on and on . Of course there are terrorist and drug king entering our Country . The Biden Admin . encourages it because they want votes and the GOP has their heads stuck up their ass . Let the finger pointing begin !!!

Actually they allow this because the cartels are lining the pockets of our politicians. No one has dared to follow the money trail. Shell companies? You bet! People think the cartels are not sophisticated enough to think like the white collar criminals, but they are! They are using the power of money and our system against us! How many democrats or for that matter Republicans are on the payroll of king pins while Mexico just elected a first Jewish Woman as president in its history? No coincidence here.


@soulpatrol speaking of Kennedy, I think we are reaching the boiling point!

Biden is polling right there with a bad fungal infection. That’s why he is taking executive action on the border 5 months before the election; in one of the most cynical, hypocritical moves possible.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Too many to count !! They are the fastest group to become multi-millionaires .

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Mexico should empty is prisons and allow them to cross the border into the US to FUK SLOW JOE.

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They can do the same thing Castro did , empty the criminally insane asylums and direct them to DC .

Trump needs to start sounding the trumpets, muy pronto. He needs to put Mexico on notice that Trump Executive Order Numero Uno esta: All illegals coming across the border will be stopped in their tracks by The United States Army with rubber bullets at 0001 hrs, January 20th, 2025, with the Border Patrol, et al, blocking and or pushing back into Mexico anyone too young to take a rubber bullet. The United States Marines will also be there, intermixed, with real NATO rounds for anyone seen near the border, facing the US side who is armed. Armed is a display of the intention to shoot, and Marines know how to handle that. Which side of the border they fall on will be corrected by dragging the bodies back to Old Mexico!, with or without the accompanying music.

Thereafter, the illegals will be welcome to pile up in Mexico until the cows come home which could be a couple administrations down the line, since we will be returning to the old fashioned “pick & choose” system from the lists developed in the US embassies spread throughout the world. Henceforth and evermore, only Mexican, Belize or Guatemala nationals will be able to enter the USA thru Mexico. Period, just as written in the Law.

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And they ALL took an oath to see that our laws are enforced but they are far too busy making multi -millions .


Mexicos biggest problems with the illegal issue is the DRUG CARTELS controling ALL PARTS of the government making Mexico IMPOTENT to fight them . How many cartel members have cone across the border to control the drug trade and have GREASED THE WHEELS in the US ti evade prosecution?

Every judge , border agent , congressmen and many senators .


Its a mess! Cleaning it up will require outside the box thinking.

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And something no-one cares to change . 3/4 of the Country can see a two tier justice system . We can see how the rich and political connected get a pass .


I’ve got news for you: the rich only have just so many votes among themselves; lots of non rich are doing the voting, too… Low-information-voters. In every poll there is a 30% block that thinks that Joe, high taxes on others, lots of regulation, organic gardening sans fertilizers, closing electric power stations & opening dams, not irrigating farms in the central valley of California, teaching 6 year olds about sex with adults of either gender, CRT, DEI, windmills, ad infinitum… that 30’% thinks all is going just fine. This is probably about the same % that allowed Germany to slide into Nazism. For the uninformed out there, -calling Nazism a right wing group is a bold lie; not just incorrect. All of the kinds govts which are the absolute-authority kinds are left wing and Nationalism is not to be confused with isolationism or Patriotism. Isolationism is the desire to exclude oneself from importing outside troubles which cannot be solved LIKE THE PLO RABBLE, and Patriotism is different in every country, being pro-original-intent of their own govt, again, different in every country. So American Patriots are pro-Constitutionals and Communist Patriots are Marxists.

The left the world over is in the habit of re-defining and co-opting words & symbols to use for their own purposes and should be dealt with on the spot instead of tolerated as freely expressing themselves. The PLO protesters should all be rounded up and flown to Gaza to see first-hand what Islamic govt looks like. Especially queers and women falling for the PLO rant. The women can cover their heads and their mouths and forget about education higher than 6th grade, and the Gay rights crowd can be found in broken heaps at the base of tall buildings in the Hamas territories. Freedom in Islam means for the semi-straight men and pedophiles.

If only voting actually mattered. :thinking:


WTF ? An oxymoron . :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


True enough, but they are True Believers and will walk on hot coals to force you into submission to communism, so you better believe that they are earnest in their belief.


That BS only works on the weak and very poor .


This is pretty nutty, but knowing Clayton Morris he doesn’t put people on his show that are going to be conspiracy theorists. Something is coming!