Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

Walgreens was accused of racism when it closed stores in Mass. In Commiefornia, store owners are helpless in stopping shoplifting. They might as well help them and hold the door open for them
With the criminal justice system in NY and CA, who would want to be a cop today?

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The latest on this bullsh*t border bill put forth Sen James Lankford. Of course he just committed political suicide with his constituents.

As to the substance of the “border emergency authority,” it appears to be left to the discretionary whims of Secretary Mayorkas—who, I might add, is currently being impeached for failing to actually enforce existing law.

This is asinine.~ Mike Lee


This bill is an insult to Americans!

What a joke!

Let me be clear: The Senate Border Bill will NOT receive a vote in the House.

Here’s what the people pushing this “deal” aren’t telling you: It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients—a magnet for more illegal immigration. ~ Steve Scalise

It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients

Slowing the flood, Only 1.5 million new illegals a year.

Of course it does, I read it and its purely insane. Now Chuck Schummer is making his rounds on Morning Joe telling Americans if this bill is not passed that they will have to go to Ukraine and fight!

There is no other senator I would love to punch in the face more than this fking POS cocksucker !


Why not enforce the Immigration Nationality Act!!!.

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This POS needs to face a firing squad!



Line them all up against the wall and save the tax payers the legal fees. Bring back public hangings and make an example out of these traitors scum!

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One of the most important issues with the Border Amnesty Bill is that it gives Judicial review to DC only Likely so when Trump wins his hands will be tied

@JoshuaAtLarge noticed this

Looks like they were caught trying to pull a fast one!

Many before me have said that there are striking parallels of America and the Roman Empire. When looking at the migration issue and what cause the Roman Empire to eventually fall, is the amount of migration that happened on a daily basis. To put into perspective of course, the numbers game does not lie and it should be concerning to most Americans right now. Laura Loomer says we don’t have until the November election we are essentially losing our country as we speak! Is she right?

Lets look at the History repeating itself shall we we?

Every day at the border, 72x the amount of illegal aliens are invading as barbarians invaded the Roman Empire during the Barbarian Invasion period.

No, it’s not hyperbolic to call the border situation an “invasion.” Rome did not fall to a single massive invasion, but a series of sustained large-scale migrations over 400 years during what is now known as the Migration Period (also Barbarian Invasions Period). Migrant bands of 10,000-20,000 would come at a time; the Roman Empire had about 40 million people. Over one 100 year period, 750,000 people migrated in total. To put our situation into perspective, 70,000 foreigners arrive in the US every day, with illegal border crossings in the south reaching over 10,000 per day. Comparatively, there are 424x the amount of foreigners entering America every day as foreigners entered the Roman Empire everyday during the Barbarian Invasions period. This is the true beginning of our fall.

Never forget what RINO traitors look like! And remember along with the Marxist Democrats we are also fighting REPUKES!

Mayorkas impeachment vote failed on the floor by four votes because of these fking cocksuckers!

Rep. Ken Buck
Rep. Mike Gallagher
Rep. Tom McClintock
Rep. Blake Moore

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Read Carefully!

Photo & Video Evidence Of Illegal Immigrant Encampments & Stations PROVING The Planned & Organized Collapse Of America


  • United Nations
  • IOM International Organization for Migration
  • European Union
  • United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund UNICEF
  • Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society HIAS
  • Red Cross
  • Doctors Without Borders
  • United Nations Refugee Agency UNHCR
  • Norwegian Refugee Council

“And catered to by various international government and nongovernment organizations. A few on the scene include OIM, Red Cross, UNICEF, HIAS, European Union, Doctors Without Borders, UN HCR, and the Norwegian Refugee Council, who offer migrants aid and instructions on how to get to the United States. Migrants See various maps to telling exactly how to trek to the US border. This map, displayed in a highest care facility, shows the migrant the path across Panama and Costa Rica. In this footage, a highest worker can be seen explaining exactly how to cross Panama.

A more comprehensive map is distributed by the Red Cross. This map not only shows multiple migration routes to the United States, but also includes rest stops across Central America and Mexico. A similar app is handed out by Medecosine Fronteras, also known as Doctors Without Borders. Perhaps the most striking form of This aid is a bag which we call a rape kit. It is handed out by the OIM in Colombia before migrants trek through the Darien Gap.

The kit, which contains condoms and morning after pills, allows migrants to get more safely in the jungle. Why are all these groups encouraging migrants and aiding them on the steadily journey? Why is this happening on an organized industrial scale? And why does the US border remain wide open? In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 20 30 agenda for sustainable development.

The agenda provides a, quote unquote, blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 sustainable development goals. Agenda 2030 outlines a blueprint for world socialism stating that we are embarking on a collective journey to build a world free of poverty, hunger, disease, and want. In a related paper by the IOM titled migration and the 2030 agenda, a clear plan for mass migration of people is presented. The report begins by stating, the 2030 agenda recognizes migration as a core development consideration, which marks the first time migration is integrated explicitly into the global development agenda and further states, quote, it is possible to link migration to every goal in the 2030 agenda.

Shockingly, The report refers to migrant men, women, and children as agents of development. Finally, the report states that We should not focus efforts on trying to stop migration. Facilitating, not restricting. Migration is the priority. It is clear that this illegal migration is indeed being facilitated and encouraged.

For example, UNICEF, also known as the United Nations Children’s Fund, hands out these care packages at Panamanian migration camps. Notice the subtle messaging on the bag that reads, trust yourself. Delph, you can, encouraging the migrants to continue on their journey. On the back of a Red Cross map, information is given about the use of freight trains for transportation. Rather than denouncing the dangerous form of transportation, migrants are told to remain seated and look out for any branches, electrical cables, or tunnels.

— There’s no doubt that These groups serve as camouflage for spies, criminals, and other nefarious actors seeking to penetrate our borders undetected. Powerful organizations thousands of miles away, are facilitating the collapse of the US southern border.”

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MSM is now starting to cover this story?

Chinese migrants are fastest growing group crossing into U.S. from Mexico | 60 Minutes

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Tucker is right over the target with this remarkable commentary on what is happening to our country!

Share this with as many people as you can!

Lankford has been a soulless POS since being elected to office. I don’t think this goes over well in his home state either!

He looks soulless with his gaunt and dark vacant yes. He has a bit of creepy look too!

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Greatest idea so far!


This is actually a brilliant idea and the benefits certainly outweighs the costs!

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