Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

Out of sight, out of mind. Most people are struggling to survive in their own country. The border is not a concern for them. . The plan is working to perfection. The end time is now.

I have to say this is pretty nutty and don’t know any other countries with such open borders.


It should be a concern because eventually they won’t have a country to live in. You know what a “Black Swan event” is?

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A new Rasmussen Reports poll revealed that most voters believe the federal government “no longer has the consent of the governed.” Nearly 6 out of 10 (59%) voters feel this way. Conversely, only 25% of voters believe the legislators embody the spirit of the Declaration and represent the consent of the governed. Another 16% responded that they weren’t sure, according to the poll.

Furthermore, the survey showed that less than 1-in-5 voters (19%) felt that “the average member of Congress listens most to the voters he or she represents." Conversely, 67% of voters believe that congressional representatives “listen most to party leaders in Congress.”

This extends across voters from all political parties, with most Democrats (59%), Republicans (69%), and unaffiliated voters (74%) feeling that the congressional representatives listen mostly to party leaders instead of voters, according to Rasmussen.

The poll results are shocking revelations that highlight the significant disconnect between the country’s people and the politicians they elect to represent them. Moreover, it also expresses a troubling concern that, at some point, must be acknowledged to sustain our country’s original political values.

If the people who elect the politicians to govern no longer have faith they are upholding the tenets of the Declaration, then at some point, the country will no longer be, to quote another famous historical document, “a government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

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I do know what a black swan event is… CV19 was/is just that.

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Yes, and so is this even when it is contrived. I believe C-19 was contrived as well.

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Since Joe Biden first came to power in January of 2021, the number of illegal aliens on the terrorist screening list who have been encountered on American soil by border authorities has increased ninefold.

As reported by Just The News, the fiscal year 2023 has seen the apprehensions of at least 140 suspects from the terror list, far greater than the previous total of 98 in fiscal year 2022. In 2020, the final year of President Donald Trump’s first term, the number was just three. In fiscal year 2021, Biden’s first year in office, the number increased exponentially to 16.

Numerous border experts have warned that this rising trend is an indication that terrorist groups see the southern border as a tactical weakness through which the United States can be infiltrated, leading to the increased possibility of terror attacks on American soil.

“This un-secure border, it’s not simply a threat from possible criminals and others in South America,” said Fred Fleitz, former Chief of Staff to the Trump Administration’s National Security Council, who currently serves as Vice Chairman of the America First Policy Institute. “There are people from a variety of countries, not just China, who I think are sneaking in.”

“We literally could have the next terrorist sleeper cell in the United States planning a terrorist attack, and we would have no idea,” said former Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection Mark Morgan.

In addition to the confirmed encounters, there have been at least 1.5 million illegals who successfully crossed the border without ever encountering law enforcement and thus snuck into the country completely undetected; such illegals are known as “gotaways,” and the number of additional terror suspects who have entered the country as gotaways remains unknown.

“These ‘known gotaways’ do not provide biometric or biographic information to USBP agents and continue their journey into the interior of the country without background checks against law enforcement databases,” said Congressmen Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), James Comer (R-Ky.), and Mark Green (R-Tenn.) in a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. “Terrorists and other bad actors will attempt to exploit weaknesses in border security and vetting procedures to infiltrate the United States. We fear these known gotaways could also include illegal aliens with terrorist ties.”

Did you watch that recent video I posted of the border patrol agent giving his congressional testimony warning everyone about the Mexican cartels? That is really what is at the heart of this entire invasion and Biden INC is funding via American tax dollars.


Courtesy of Mindy Robinson

This is fking nuts!

The Department of Homeland security is officially out of their fucking mind.

Check out the “reasons” they’re labeling Americans as right wing extremists now:

• Combat veterans who are quote unquote “disgruntled about the takeover of their country.” (Well, at least they’re saying the quiet part out loud now.)

• Anyone that opposes war…because as you know, nothing is more “extreme” than not wanting to drone bomb kids and fight by proxy wars for Lindsay Graham and the rest of the murderers over at the banks and the military industrial complex.

• People that don’t think they should be paying income taxes because Congress violated the Constitution in the first place to push it through by lying to everyone…which is actually 100% accurate. They did the same thing with the Federal Reserve.

• Anyone that opposes the Feds restricting their 2nd amendment rights, even though it’s literally within our rights to.

• Anyone with a better explanation to all these mass shootings and domestic terrorist attacks than our lying ass government who blatantly committed some of them and allowed others to happen while poorly covering it up. (9/11, Oklahoma Bombing, Ruby Ridge, Las Vegas shooting, anyone?)

• Anyone who opposes open borders, which is most people…so good luck with that.

• Anyone against abortion because hey…Planned Parenthood isn’t buying off politicians for nothing.

• Anyone that considers themselves a “Patriot” because….well, you’re getting in the way of them destroying the country you love, silly!

• Anyone that brings up the US Constitution, you know…that thing that restricts these assholes from doing the exact same things they’re doing now.

• Supports a 3rd party candidate, because how dare you not vote for the useless, shit candidates the parties shove down our throats every election cycle! These people need to maintain their privileged status quo!

• Anyone that wants to audit the Federal Reserve… because how dare you want to know how they keep losing track of trillions of dollars! (Meanwhile they hired 87,000 IRS agents to nickel and dime the rest of us about what we sell on EBay.)

• Anyone that opposes a carbon tax to a World Bank. (Yes, that’s literally how they word it too, but I’m glad that was also considered just a “conspiracy theory.”)

• And finally…anyone that opposes the United Nations or the WHO, even though the UN has been raping women and children in 3rd world countries for decades and the WHO just tried to kill everyone with a poisoned shot over a virus they also illegally made in a lab to kill and control everybody.

If I had been a war veteran…I would have dinged for all 13 out of 13 of these. Read between these lines and it becomes clear that our country has been taken over by bad actors, and this is the “defense” against honest Americans and patriots from being vocal in wanting to take it back.

No one is coming to save us and we’re not voting our way out of this. A war of misinformation and manipulation can only be won with the truth…and with FOX dead in the water between firing Tucker and apparently donating money to literal Satanists…we must defend alternative sites like Twitter, Bitchute, Rumble, and GAB with everything we have.

Stop complying to tyranny, stop paying taxes to the people trying to kill you and rape your kids, and stop letting these people get away with doing whatever the hell they want.

They only have “power” because we let them…and I no longer consent to this illegitimate, out of control government that hates me.

This was a brutal take down of one of the most obvious traitors and failures of border security in US history!

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illegal Aliens awaiting free housing in New York City. How is this normal?

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Why do we have that when we already have this:

something tells me they want more of this. If optics mattered during an election year then you would guess that they would do something about it, but instead they are banking on rigged results so why should they care?


migrants or illegal aliens have a right to invade any sovereign country of their choice? Is this a human right? What is your stance on this issue? Apparently Saudi Arabia believes in shooting trespassers as they view them as invaders.

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This is an excellent review of Todd Bensman’s New book " America Overrun, America Transformed" which is a detailed accounted of what and why our immigration system currently is broken. Apparently it is a remarkable book based on years of his own interactive experience and investigative Journalism regarding the southern border crisis.

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This is disgusting to the truest sense of the word!

It’s way past time to put an end to this s**t!


I hope you guys do because it looks like they keep mentioning “military age men” and that could simply mean that a take over is in the planning.


This is getting intense. Americans finally had enough of the illegal aliens entering the country?

New York City

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