Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

So that means you lay down and accept your ruler even while your country is being invaded?

It looks that way. Short of a real insurrection, there is no stoping it… and that won’t happen, so…

That is a sad commentary when citizens of the freest country in history surrender it to foreign invaders who Robb you of your American dream! Sad!


Yeah but someone has to do what he is doing too and he is good at it.

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That is essentially what is happening. The influx of this invasion is by design to steal from Americans their jobs, the value of their labor, their savings, the retirement plan, and their security. JD Vance hit that on the head by stating that forget about the American dream because the illegal invaders are taking it away and Americans are not willing to fight for it.


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If Joe is running it is because the prune juice and ExLax is working.

A nation is no longer if it can not secure its borders. I am no longer obligated to recognize this administration as a representative Government and therefore it is null and void in my book. I don’t have to pay Taxes anymore!

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I never thought I’d see the day that the US would follow the same pattern as Europe of surrender. Truly sad


This guy is talking about real solutions. Go figure!


We the people elected Biden to run the country into the ground.

This is what the people wanted.

I disagree. We the people voted Trump in for a second term. The powers behind the curtain installed Biden instead. There are no more “elections”… only the appearance of elections to keep “we the people” duped into thinking we actually have a say in anything.

I feel so betrayed right now with all that has happened and all that is happening. Its a sickening feeling in my stomach, especially when I look at that smug face of Mayorkas!

I know. Mayorkas is a real POS. I don’t know how anyone can lie with such conviction…lol. But, that’s what the Left does… lie right in your face, knowing they are lying and then act outraged when you don’t believe them!