Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

What else is he going to say? He is an ideologue who should face accountability!

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Massive Migrant Caravan Forms In Mexico To Protest Immigration Policiesrter

April 24, 2023 10:19 AM ET

A caravan of roughly 3,000 migrants formed in southern Mexico Sunday to protest a detention center fire that occurred near the border with the U.S. recently, according to Border Report.

The group set out from Tapachula in southern Mexico near the Guatemalan border to protest the Mexican government’s handling of the recent detention center fire in Juarez that killed 40 migrants, according to Border Report. The fire occurred in March across from El Paso, Texas.

The group hoped to reach Mexico City to demand action from the country’s government, according to Border Report.

“Now we have decided to move forward in this journey because of the 40 dead who died up there, who set fire to them, they are murderers, they don’t want the people of our countries, and we want justice to be done,” Juan Carlos Hernandez, a Honduran migrant, said.

Mexican officials, including the country’s top immigration leader, have faced charges associated with the tragedy.

“The door was closed, because the person who had the keys wasn’t there,” Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador said after a video surfaced that appeared to show two guards walking away during the fire, according to the Associated Press.

The group is asking that the Mexican government shut down its immigration agency over the fire, the caravan’s organizer, Irineo Mújica, said, according to Border Report.

What are your personal thoughts on what is going on with Mayorkas and his handling of the Southern Border? What about the bigger picture?

Do you think they are trying to purposely flood the country with as many illegals as possible in order to change the voting demographics forever?

What are the solutions? Send them all back? How and by what methods?

Handling the border???

They have essentially opened the border to the world. I find it amazing the American people are not in open revolt. We have people homeless living on the streets. We have veterans in need. We have the poor struggling and we house illegals in hotels, pay for their food, healthcare etc. And the idiot Biden says. I need for more years to finish my work. Billions wasted on illegals and nothing for citizens.

Bingo. Permanent power.

Hire 100K American citizens to hunt them down, collect the family and kids. Take them back to the border and escort them across the border and let them walk home. Use the military to enforce the border, end the cartels trade routes. Cross the border a second time 5 years building the new border wall, them send them back.

The Largest Mass Deportation in American History

As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign.

By: Erin Blakemore

Updated: June 18, 2019 | Original: March 23, 2018

These undocumented Mexican immigrants were arrested in the 1950s, as part of the largest mass deportation in American history.

Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone/Getty Images

July is scorching in Mexicali. The Mexican city just across the border from Calexico, California, averages 108 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer, but temperatures often swell into the 120s.

In 1955, thousands of disoriented people roamed the city’s streets as the sun bore down on them. They had just been dumped there by American immigration officials—snatched from their lives and jobs in the United States and thrown into a city where they didn’t know anyone.

These Mexican immigrants had been caught in the snare of Operation Wetback, the biggest mass deportation of undocumented workers in United States history. As many as 1.3 million people may have been swept up in the Eisenhower-era campaign with a racist name, which was designed to root out undocumented Mexicans from American society.

The short-lived operation used military-style tactics to remove Mexican immigrants—some of them American citizens—from the United States. Though millions of Mexicans had legally entered the country through joint immigration programs in the first half of the 20th century, Operation Wetback was designed to send them back to Mexico.

With the help of the Mexican government, which sought the return of Mexican nationals to alleviate a labor shortage, Border Patrol agents and local officials used military techniques and engaged in a coordinated, tactical operation to remove the immigrants. Along the way, they used widespread racial stereotypes to justify their sometimes brutal treatment of immigrants. Inside the United States, anti-Mexican sentiment was pervasive, and harsh portrayals of Mexican immigrants as dirty, disease-bearing and irresponsible were the norm.


Mexican farm laborers going to California to work on garden crops. (Photo by William C. Shrout/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images)

During Operation Wetback, tens of thousands of immigrants were shoved into buses, boats and planes and sent to often-unfamiliar parts of Mexico, where they struggled to rebuild their lives. In Chicago, three planes a week were filled with immigrants and flown to Mexico. In Texas, 25 percent of all of the immigrants deported were crammed onto boats later compared to slave ships, while others died of sunstroke, disease and other causes while in custody.

It’s not clear how many American citizens were swept up in Operation Wetback, but the United States later claimed that 1.3 million people total were deported. However, some historians dispute that claim. Though hundreds of thousands of people were ensnared, says historian Kelly Lytle Hernandez, the number of deportees was drastically lower than the United States reported—likely closer to 300,000. Due to immigrants who were caught, deported, and captured again after re-emigrating, it’s impossible to estimate the total number of people deported under the program.

Mass deportations of Mexican immigrants from the U.S. date to the Great Depression, when the federal government began a wave of deportations rather than include Mexican-born workers in New Deal welfare programs. According to historian Francisco Balderrama, the U.S. deported over 1 million Mexican nationals, 60 percent of whom were U.S. citizens of Mexican descent, during the 1930s. Balderrama toldFresh Air’s Terry Gross that the program was referred to as “repatriation” to give it the sense of being voluntary. In reality, though, it was anything but.

I don’t see this as a realistic option in today’s terms. It’s probably estimated 40+ million illegals are currently in the country. That number alone is a small army should they revolt.

“{But they are coming here for asylum!”

No, they are not…

The preponderance are coming for economic gain, which is NOT a valid reason to be granted asylum. Evidenced by ~90% don’t make their follow-on immigration court appearances - they know their claim is bogus.


United Nations Grantee Uses U.S. Tax Dollars To Fund Illegal Immigration

Monthly cash for food, lodging, and ‘movement’ assistance amounts to material support for illegal immigration. It influences decisions to cross.

By Todd Bensman on December 16, 2021

The Federalist, December 16, 2021

AUSTIN, Texas – During a recent trip to a Reynosa, Mexico migrant camp, I took photos of a United Nations-supported International Organization for Migration (IOM) operation to hand out cash debit cards to intending and repeat border crossers.

One of two workers at a plastic folding table inside the Reynosa camp, which was filled to capacity with at least 1,200 mostly U.S.-expelled Central Americans, said they were distributing the cards for IOM to help migrants waiting until they cross the Rio Grande at greater leisure to claim asylum, for which most will be declared ineligible years later. Many parents, for instance, got about $400 every 15 days, I was told, or $800 a month if they were still there to collect it, although the support level varied.

My photos of this posted to Twitter and related dispatch for the Center for Immigration Studies drew outrage among some Republican lawmakers. They saw the images as evidence that the U.S. taxpayer-funded IOM was providing material support to an ongoing mass migration harmful to America’s national interest.

LOL, they could deport illegals during the Eisenhower years with little technology yet today they can do nothing.

One idea that I would be on board with, (and BTW, outside the box solutions is definitely needed in these circumstances), is the “e-verify” program but on steroids! Self deportation! Make the program as such that any company employing illegals will be slapped so hard with fines that it acts as a deterrent towards companies who hire illegals, including verifying independent contractors who perform work outside the scope of being in the employ of companies.

Also deporting a million vs 40+ millions is an entire different animal.

Got to start somewhere.

Oh I totally agree, but its going to take a might of will power of " We the people" and someone who actually has a pair to get it done.

Until this country steps up and demands action, nothing will happen.

And that is why this country is going to become a collapsing empire eventually turning into one that is divided into possibly three different countries.


I don’t disagree, the split is coming sooner than we think.


Yeah, and there is not much we can do about it either. We as humans tend to congregate with other humans whom we share our values with, so another reason why we are vastly becoming divided, and immigration with 3rd world’er’s is only exacerbating this inevitability!

These people are freaking clowns! Mayorkas needs to be facing a firing squad!


This looks pretty crazy!

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The party is about to begin. Catch and release on steroids.