Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

Still not gonna happen unless of course we every go to war again with MX.

Still could do it like a placebo effect! Here is what I would do. Have a clandestine operation in which citizens lay the landmines. Of course they wouldn’t lay mines actually, but pretend to have done it! Then the ire would be against the citizens not the Federal government!

This is kind of shit I am talking about! There was no good reason for the gov of NC to veto this bill! It is acts like these makes immigration enforcement very difficult!

THAT is a very interesting and good idea. A series of pools would have a lot of benefit beyond creating a barrier. Getting across in a canoe or raft would still not be very difficult. It would help.

Much easier to see and interdict crossing on flat water than brushy rolling terrain.

This is great! Let them come and build the wall! Need more incentives though!

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African Migrants meet the Mexican Military police and all hell breaks out! My question is, how did they get into Mexico in the first place?

On rafts fashioned by bundling reeds harvested in the Nile Delta.


This was excellent to watch!

Well this interesting!

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Exactly as we said would happen.

Yes and getting a little help from AMLO as well is helping a lot!

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Here is more good news!

That’s exactly what Pinochet was up against in Chile. The Left are dangerous in their simplicity.

Inexcusable and deplorable.

Yeah! I just don’t understand how this can happen. Then again Trump made a pretty damning statement which should have included this. Then again maybe he knew already and was expressing his frustration!

Trump seriously needs to stop shooting from the hip, back off, and consider his words before tweeting or speaking.

For that matter he needs to quit tweeting period. It does nothing but get him into trouble.

You are probably right! It’s a double edge sword though! Sometimes you get the positive aspect such as being able to access the people directly over the media, but there is the other side which is the bad stuff that you talk about! The cat is out of the bag though I am afraid!