Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

The military isn’t allowed to act in an LEO capacity and state LEO’s are not allowed to act as immigration officers. They can both provide support and the TX Leo’s can do drug interdiction etc but they are not sworn federal LEO’s.

Oh god! This is just infuriatingly frustrating!

Yessir it is… …

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This is great news!

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What’s they hi/lo on when the first suit is filed to stop him? Thursday? Friday?

No. This is under international treaty rules! There is not much they can do to stop it! Remember Mexico already is on record in offering asylum to most who illegally crossed over. At the end of the day Trump wins!

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I found this funny as hell for some reason :laughing:

Two immigration officers had been parked outside a home well before dawn when their target — a Mexican man convicted of driving under the influence in 2015 — appeared to emerge as the sun illuminated a gray sky.

“I’m going to do a vehicle stop,” an officer radioed. “I’m right behind you,” said another, lights flashing as they ordered the driver into a liquor store parking lot.



I don’t get it? Please share!

A man convicted of drunk driving was ordered by the police to pull over into a liquor store parking lot.

Ahh! Ok got it! Yes life’s funny ironies, however it was the wrong guy!

Yeah, I saw that. But they didn’t know it at the time. Just my dry/weird sense of humor :wink:

Live hearing in the Senate about border crisis!

The study, conducted by the Washington Post and Mexican newspaper Reforma , found “more than 6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country because they take jobs and benefits that should belong to Mexicans.”

Sounds familiar…Where have I heard this before? I can’t quite place it…:wink:

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Might be a similar study you are thinking of, such as “Mexican Americans being against illegal immigration!”

One thing about the Latino voter base that Democrats did not consider in their calculus is that by importing third worlders, in doing so in their fever to garner more votes, they may have possibly marginalised a demographic voting group to which they will need to win elections! They already are seeing blacks leaving their base, but now Latinos? That is a death knell for the party!

Now this is pretty funny! Imagine if more Patriots were to get in on the act, how fast would these invaders self deport?

A pretty biased article that ignores a lot of realties.

If an illegal has an ITN and is employed, has a registered vehicle, DL, etc they will be no harder to locate than an average US citizen.

The detention bed shortage is also a red herring, these are people that have already been given a final order of deportation and aren’t entitled to any further due process.

They can be deported immediately after arrest once confirmation is made.

We have lots of problems with the rest but most of those being targeted pose no serious issues, just locate, arrest, and remove them.

Which article are you referring to? “Making a Immigration Arrest”?