Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

From what others are saying he put ICE officials at risk by leaking location details and times. That is a pretty treasonous act that should have him terminated immediately! I can’t see after this revelation how having him continue is a tenable situation! This is really really bad!

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If this is true and Trump does not make an example of him it’s Trump that’s going to look very bad.

I’m always very hesitant to jump on reports citing only unnamed officials.

We’ve see the last couple of years just how unreliable unnamed sources can be.

Well mind you I used two different sources both from conservative sights, so there is something to this story that is proving true!

Both seem to be relying on anonymous sources so I’m in “wait and see” mode.

Even so, these particular sites wouldn’t report something based on rumours. Especially Sundance at TLR

I’m glad you have so much faith in them. I’ve seen every news outlet you can name get stories wrong citing unnamed sources.

You raise a valid concern.

The psyops trick that makes leaders paranoid and suspicious of everyone working for them was tried back when that New York Times article “I am part of the resistance” was published. The perps (likely guided by John Brennan) may be at it again.

It needs investigation but not a witch hunt. The perps of psyops attacks want nothing more than to destabilize Trump’s administration with fear and paranoia… to breed 360 degrees of mistrust within the administration.

But the deep state is deep. So a low profile and rational investigation is needed.

Thanks to @Dr_Manhattan for highlighting the issue. I was not aware.


Guess who voted against Border funding bill.

Calling it a "Border Funding Bill’ is an atrocity in and of itself. It amounts to welfare for illegals to cover the costs associated with detaining them.

Not exactly surprising, he is just shifting the burden of caring for them to the US.

Isn’t that counter to what Trump was asking Mexico?

I’m not aware of the details they agreed to.

Yeah you are right! Just posting it here to let others know what they are paying for!

An amendment to the just-passed bill, unveiled by the House Appropriations Committee on Tuesday morning, added provisions that would require Customs and Border Protection to enact health standards for individuals in custody, including implementing standards for both adults and children for “medical emergencies; nutrition, hygiene, and facilities; and personnel training.”

Congress has lost their minds.

Border patrol is over whelmed by the open border democons and now in their spare time they are required to instruct them on personal hygiene.

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From what I remember on the agreement with Obrador the focus was to be on shutting down there southern border to the rush of illegals/feigned asylum seekers but Mexico has tens of thousands of them already within their own borders and it’s eating a big hole in the MX budget to deal with and care for them.

The dems have it ass backwards once again. If we had a wall and other measures in place to secure our border, we wouldn’t have this situation or it would at least be manageable:

Concerns over reports of unsanitary conditions and a lack of resources, including water, diapers, toothbrushes, food and soap, have amplified in recent weeks, with members from both sides of the aisle calling for action.


4.5bn in emergency funding to provide welfare, healthcare etc for those in custody.

How do you avoid having to spend that much? Keep them the hell out to begin with!

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Yup, makes sense to me. I wonder if they complained about alack of toothbrushes and diapers when they were in Mexico?

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