Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/26/2024

A mile a day, considering modern construction technology, would be effortless. Anyone who doesn’t believe it, read on: [

A Railroad Record That Defies Defeat: How Central Pacific laid ten …

](A Railroad Record That Defies Defeat: How Central Pacific laid ten miles of track in one day back in 1869) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Then after the wall is completed, a 100 or 200 yard no mans land north of the wall, with a simple 15 or 20 foot high heavy chain link fence, that parallels the border wall. The no mans land seeded with German S Mines. Of couse there will be signs posted; I mean, we are not monsters. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [

German Schrapnellmine (S-mine) AKA "Bouncing Betty … - YouTube

]( Just construct the mines with carbon fiber, so they will be immune to metal detectors. Sealed with epoxy, they would be impervious to the weather - elements for years.

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First things first! We need to out the RINOS, and the Marxist traitors out of our government in order to put forth common sense policies regarding our Immigration laws. This would be nice! My belief is that the deep state is behind much of the obstruction due to raising dark money for their operation through the sale of drugs. I am surprised not a lot of people are talking about this, but its a dirty secret.

Killing is not necessary. Some skunk stink bomb that sticks to the illegals would be effective. So would marker dye.

We could simply use Mexico’s Immigration Laws. Check em out. What am I saying; we could simply enforce our own laws. Contrary to popular beliefs, we do have laws that cover illegal entry. Did anyone know it’s actually illegal to enter our country outside the frame of the law? Well, it is. It’s also illegal to overstay an expired visa. See ,ya learn something every day. ONWARD: How does this sound; anyone who hires an illegal will be arrested, fined, imprisoned; and all resources - property confiscated.

And in order to do that you first have to prove that they knowingly hired an illegal, that the illegal failed to produce the necessary documents to be hired legally and there is no constitutional basis for the seizure of property under those circumstances.

Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor the first time, a felony after that, and having illegals on your payroll, even if it can be proven you knew it, is not even a felony much less one severe enough to justify property seizure.

A marker die like they use in bank heists that lasts for weeks mixed with both an irritant like pepper spray and skunk scent would certainly be an effective deterrent.

We also should start chipping turnarounds and deportees along with fingerprints and facial recognition to be sure they face felony charges the next time they reenter.

There should also be a lifetime ban on legal reentry for anyone with a felony reentry record.

Make the price high enough and you’ll deter most. Make it physically difficult enough to deter most of the rest.

Then prosecute the hell out of the remainder once we have the border under control and have the space to put them in prison.

Latest report at the border!

A better approach would be to end ITN access from the IRS. Next step prosecute employers hiring illegals and clios their businesses.

No work illegals would move on.

If laws are made to be broken by illegals, they can also be changed to benefit our country. Just a stroke of a pen.

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No, it requires an act of congress to be passed by both houses first.

OK, then the stroke of a few pens. Every single day, American citizens die or are injured at the hands of illegal aliens. EVERY - SINGLE - DAY. Just how long will our elected officials spend their terms with their heads in the sand? Only to pull them out on payday. ------------------------------ [

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial -

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Get back to me when you can get congress to get off their dead asses and do something productive.

I’ve voiced my opinions - concerns to my representatives. Better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness. A few million candles can shed quite a bit of light.

One of our senator could care less and never responds.

The other is pandering to the left as he faces re-election and does nothing.

Hence my move in June.

I’m finally moving north after repairing and upgrading this place from the cesspool Colorado to a more conservative state.


I will always respect Adam Clayton Powell for his honesty. He said: “Once politicians are elected, their most important job is to get reelcted”. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also Bob Dornan, who said, when officials were ( sigh ) voting on another pay raise: “Don’t you think you should actually try to earn the money you’re already being paid, before you ask for more”.

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Sooner or later citizens will grow weary of being ignored by the people they pay to keep them safe; and take matters into their own hands. It’s happened before.

As long as democrats are supporting the illegals to expand their voter base nothing is going to change.

As long as democrats and some republicans are beholding to the US Chambers of Commerce for donations, nothing is going to change.

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Hmmm… Good thing we are all happy campers here. Someone could Google that image and get the address with just a little patience.

Ummmmmm… I’m not so trusting.

They no longer vote for next years pay raises. The pay raises they vote for today are for 2 years from now, avoids having to explain why they are voting to raise their pay next year.

Won’t work. The Coyotes will just send the women with small children ahead to clear a path through the mine fields.

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