Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/24/2024

We need to bring back Sheriff Joe to be in charge at the border and he will deliver the needed results or put in charge of the detention centers, (remember the baloney sandwiches?)

As much as I agree with you Sheriff Joe is enjoying early retirement after being Pardoned and decided to live under the radar! However can you imagine how crazy the left would get if that were to happen?

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Since the circumstances are not known around this, hard to say if the employee was just being a jerk or not.

It was still fun to watch, and I not sure why you would think they are being a jerk, just what all legal citizens should be doing anyway!

How do you know they are illegal?

If they are not, then he was being a jerk. If he only suspected then he is being a jerk.

If they are illegal, then he was being a patriot.

IDK the circumstances around it.

Heck, my maid barely speaks English and she is a U.S. Citizen. Her daughter just graduated from med school. Iā€™d be kinda ticked off if someone spoke to her like that.

You are too sensitive to keep your guard up and there are are million other people that share that view! Your maid canā€™t speak English but she is a US citizen! Imagine that! The irony is uncanny!

I did not say she cannot speak English. I said she can barely speak English. And, yes she is a US Citizen. Has been for decades.

Rather than be a government cheese eater, she cleans homes. She and her husband (who owns a small business) raised a daughter that just graduated from medical school.

So, a strong work ethic and not raising dependents on the government, either.

So, yes. Iā€™d be offended if someone spoke to her like that.

I donā€™t hire illegals. Neither in my business nor in my personal life.

From what I get off of that video he wasā€™t attacking those two women he was talking about some illegals somewhere else or illegals in general.

I can take you to communities in NM and AZ where English even today is a second language for most and this is among residents that have been US citizens for many generations.

There are similar Cuban communities in Florida where Spanish is the language they grow up with and use daily.

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You donā€™t need to tell me, I lived in all states you mention, and was called a racist because I advocated that people who come to the US should learn the to speak the English language!

Oh they absolutely should but in those isolated communities they donā€™t have to and thus theyā€™ve never fully assimilated.

I donā€™t see how this case can be decided in any way other than for the Administration. The law is clear and it was followed, these cases are just flailing attempts by the losers to delay the inevitable to gain some sort of victory going into 2020.

Well that is what I said about the the census case too, but of course that was another matter entirely!

Well the administrationā€™s own lawyers cut the administrationā€™s throat by lying to the court as their reasoning behind adding the question.

As I read the ruling theyā€™ve remanded it rather than rejecting it so they arenā€™t done yet.

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I get what heā€™s doing there but if he had to go forward and impose them it would only increase the exodus from Guatemala which will then only make things worse for Mexico and for US.

So far it looks like MX has been at least making some efforts to control their southern border for a change and we donā€™t want to screw that up.

Well, action needs to be taken. The other aspect of this construct on why countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras are encouraging these exodus ā€˜s is because the ruling elite knows it insures their grip on power when their opposition is exiting. There will be no one left. The negative side is that there is also a lessening of tax revenue and increasing tariffs on such countries should be implemented as compensation to the American Tax payer!

Iā€™m not seeing that they are doing anything to encourage the exodus that I can tell. What they arenā€™t doing is taking positive steps to help stem the flow.

Other than some serious economic reforms Iā€™m not sure exactly what they can do since they are all ostensibly free countries and it requires no visa to exit.

We should be adopting the same approach!