Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024

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This is so freaken unbelievable that its almost like its fiction! How the hell is this being allowed to happen?

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Not all Chinese are infiltrating America on behalf of the CCP. In this video Bob Bergquam intercepts a Chinese Christian and his wife who is escaping Chinaā€™s persecution on religious grounds. What they reveal was pretty astonishing!

Tom Homanā€¦ just awesome.

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Have you figure out what their plan is? Do own a gun? Are you ready to defend your family and yourself?

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I never had any hand guns, and I sold my rifles. I have friends who are into the gun hobby, so, I can get what I needā€¦lol. Iā€™m thinking about getting a 12 gauge again.

Get a Mossberg and LEVER Action. Follow that up with a Glock 17. Youā€™d be good to go!

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Canā€™t sleep dude! 4:15 am and I am obsessively thinking about the invaders and what I will do if they touch my children. Anger! :rage:

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It is going to set everyone and everything on edge!

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In todayā€™s hate filled USA with blacks , illegals , terrorist we ALL NEED GUNS !!!

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Yep! I am advocating for my friends and the people I care about to arm themselves to be vigilant, and prepared with situational awareness!

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They are giving our country away to murdering lying freeloading thieves! At least let us hang a few political traitors before the entire house goes up in flames! I got a short list for tar and feather too! :rage:


Unfortunately YOUR tax dollars are paying to protect those scumbags . :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Sumbag dummycrats continuously file taxpayer funded lawsuits to stop the borders from being secured. It would be interesting to know how many lawsuits theyā€™ve filed since 2016.
Dummycrats are willing to do everything to subvert the will of the people of this country.

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Itā€™s clearly an invasion that is happening right now and Americans are not understanding this reality yet.


I think they understandā€¦ they just donā€™t have any control over it. Unfortunatelyā€¦ or, fortunately, depending on how you look at it, it doesnā€™t effect the middle America states (as much) as the border states. Iā€™m seeing a lot more Mexicans everywhere in Ohio. It wonā€™t be long before all of the USA will be affected one way or anotherā€¦ then, shit will hit the fanā€¦lol.

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No doubt about it. Donā€™t give up your guns I have a feeling you are going to need them soon!


dummycrats see no wrong ,genderbending idiots .

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