Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/22/2024

It was on the same website you linked the Forman Mike video. They posted it. I am assuming they posted it to show how far the left will go to discredit building a wall.

It was so clearly asinine I thought you’d get a laugh out of it :rofl:

Remember … by definition, half of the population is below average IQ. One out of 6 is below 85.
And they all can vote.

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Oh gee, another completely insane conspiracynutter, what a surprise.

Actually, the link Dr.M posted shows the progress on the wall they are building. “Foreman Mike” goes through progress on a daily basis. I watched most of the videos. Pretty interesting. How quickly they do it is very impressive.

Therein lays the motive for allowing this to continue! Free stuff = Free Votes!

Yeah I missed that one! I was like what the hell is this crap!

The illegals are coming from places where half are below 75 or 80.

No doubt! The dumber they are the easier it is to manipulate them! Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out!

This is really insane!

It unlivable that pool are not outraged at the continue onslaught of illegals crossing the border.

It’s not on the TV so it apparently doesn’t exist.

This is an excellent read to put things in perspective!

Well this should be a headliner!

Well I guess this is progress!

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The BP, FBI, and ICE should look at criminal conspiracy and aiding and abetting for all of those involved in organizing and supporting the caravans on both sides of the border.

Whatever border patrol agents get paid, it isn’t enough.

I really wish there was a way for the democrats who are obstructing border security to be removed from office. They really are putting Americans in danger with all of the sickness and disease these people are bringing with them.

80 illegals detained from Congo which is experiencing a significant outbreak of Ebola. Symptoms take time to become apparent but they are being released anyway.

I have to shake my head and wonder what is wrong with the American people that they are not up in arms over this no matter what political party they are affiliated with.


Head in the sand runs rampant in Americans today.

Another possible reason, it’s all about me.

MSM ignores the issue and what’s happening at the border so many are uninformed.

I would opine the two are related at least for those 30 years of age or younger. Heck, I had no clue when I was age.

But for those over that age? I am not so forgiving. At some point in time, you become more aware and become stewards.

This isn’t just about being politically correct. It is not about being for or against “the wall”. This is a serious issue related to transmittable diseases and sickness.

I really have no idea how those elected to represent the best interests of Americans could not be held accountable for this kind of willful negligence?

One can only hope that it will be used to definitively solidify the “emergency” justification that Trump needs to redirect money without fucking activist judges being able to stop him.

They can be but it’s up to their constituents to do so in the next election.