Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/20/2024

Kennedy pretty much destroyed any credibility Mayorkas had left. Mayorkas knows very well what he is doing, he is not stupid, he is a communist POS ideologue who is doing the cabal’s bidding to destroy the US’s demographics forever.


He’s just another cog in the wheel/administration that is destroying this country

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This is who is coming to dinner!

This is an invasion!

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Flying the Mexican flag.

Past immigrants wanted to assimilate into the culture and country. Our nw bsties just have their hand out.

I know its disgusting and conflicting at the same time. You desperately want to come to America but wave the Mexican flag? Talk about an oxymoron!


This meme says it all!


I don’t think we’ll be waiting that long. This is all happening at the same time. Biden Rico introduction this week. Bank runs increasing. Title 42 about to unleash hell on us. We are at the precipice folks. This should be a ■■■■■ week.

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CHAOS BEGINS: Drone Footage Shows Miles-Long Line of Migrants Crossing into TX as Title 42 Ends

New drone footage released by Fox News shows miles and miles of illegal migrants breaching the border and streaming unchallenged into Texas.


A curious thing we learned making this doc: migrants will often simply walk straight to US border officers to be processed.

On the Mexican side, we filmed the Mexican national guard arresting illegals in a pre-dawn raid before they could reach the border.

USBP looks demoralized

A really interesting piece on the current situation at the southern border.

Check it out. I would ask how did it get to this, but we all know the answer to that question.

The Disturbing TRUTH Behind the Horror of Our Day

By Judi McLeod ——Bio and ArchivesMay 9, 2023

Louder than the wail of the bagpipes that piped Charles into Saturday’s official Coronation, once again the mainstream and social media—joined at the hip with governments and globalist oligarchs while following their vile orders to the letter—are lying, boldfaced to the masses.

They are telling us that the world is primed to cave in on itself come Thursday, May 11 with the ending of Donald Trump’s Title 42. May 11 is the accursed day when the Biden administration will lift COVID-19 restrictions that have “blocked” migrants caught at the U.S.-Mexico border from seeking asylum since 2020. In other words, the same day when U.S. COVID public health emergency meets its final end.

Government and media are lying through their teeth, the same way they lied about “Everyone’s-going-to-die!” COVID-19.

Hinting broadly that another killer virus would soon be on the way—they found it! It’s called TUBERCULOSIS imported by countless migrants flooding U.S., Canadian and European Union-controlled borders.

According to the May 5 Reuters report: “Migrants caught crossing the border will again be able to request asylum, a process that can take years to resolve.”

The untested migrant carriers of deadly T.B. are not just coming over world borders by chance but by express invitations from what should be called ‘Government and Globalist Design’.

They are being delivered by buses described by Redacted’s Clayton Morris, who interviewed courageous and in-the-know Michal Yon, as “TubeCuBusses”.

“U.S. border officials are preparing for a possible increase in illegal crossings, the result of pent-up demand and the perception among migrants that they will be allowed in. (Reuters, May 5, 2023)

The failure of present day media to fully report on events is apparent in this Reuters story:

“U.S. border officials are preparing for a possible increase in illegal crossings, the result of pent-up demand and the perception among migrants that they will be allowed in.”

Millions of those migrants are already here having already been instructed that they “will not only be allowed in but WELCOMED in”.

How many in the public at large now know the names of those willing to kill off humanity:—Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, George Soros, Anthony Fauci, Joe Biden puppet master Barack Obama and worldwide government ‘leaders’ like Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Little wonder why their smiles are so obviously smug in photos, little wonder why U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris finds it impossible to suppress her ever-at-the-ready Giggles.

“President Joe Biden, a Democrat, took office in 2021 vowing to reverse Trump’s restrictive approach, but kept Title 42 in place and expanded it as his administration grappled with record migrant arrests at the U.S.-Mexico border.

“Since its inception, migrants have been expelled more than 2.7 million times under Title 42, although the total includes many repeat crossers and Mexico has generally only accepted certain nationalities.


“The numbers are already climbing. In April, the U.S. Border Patrol apprehended some 183,000 migrants, according to preliminary data provided by Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, a 13 percent increase from March.

"More than 19,000 migrants are currently being held in U.S. Customs and Border Protection facilities, exceeding capacity by 200 percent, according to Judd.


“To deter would-be migrants after the order is lifted, the Biden administration plans to issue a new regulation. It would deny asylum to most migrants caught crossing if they passed through another country en route to the U.S. without seeking protection or failed to use other legal pathways, which Biden has expanded.

“U.S. authorities aim to process migrants in days and swiftly deport them if they fail an initial asylum screening.



Kennedy is the absolute shit!

He is right, and someone needs to say it! I hate when people testifying can’t simply answer a question!

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