Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/20/2024

More of this! We are literally being invaded, and while the main story is our bank system collapsing. Got to love the distractions!

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It’s called a distraction like 10 million illegals in the US.

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I want to know when Mayorkas gets impeached? This could not happen soon enough! Why is there no expediency on addressing this issue now that Republicans control the house?

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LOL, that will go exactly no where with a democrat senate and Bidet in the WH.


Fetterman and Feinstein being absent gives the senate a 49/49 split. Not that it matters much.

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And 1 vote from Harris and the dems win again. Voting has consequences, think people will ever learn?


I still think Manchin can be convinced otherwise if the right pressure is applied to nullify Harris’s vote.

But the Bidet can still veto it.

Can he veto an impeachment process?

The United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives “shall have the sole Power of Impeachment” (Article I, section 2) and “the Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments … [but] no person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present”

No a prez cannot but they couldn’t muster a 2/3rds vote to convict and impeach.

That is what I thought. Where did we lose our will (our representatives) to do the right thing and secure our own border? The latter is a rhetorical question of course, because we know Tom Donahue of the COC, and Koch brothers are all for open borders and should be treated like the traitors that they are!

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Our laughable leadership do not care about laws, right or wrong,

They don’t care about the cost, the people they affect, only themselves.


Especially when they can do insider trading and leave office as multimillionaires. ( See Pelousey!


16 Migrants on Terror Watch-List Apprehended at Southern Border in February

Border Patrol chief admits the DHS does not have operational control of the border, calling it ‘a crisis situation’

Anna Allen

March 20, 2023

Among the flood of migrants caught at the southern border last month, 16 people were on the FBI’s terror watch-list.

This brings the total to 69 such apprehensions for fiscal year 2023, a trend U.S. Customs and Border Protection said is on pace to exceed last year’s 98 encounters. The agency only arrested 8 terror watch-list migrants in total between 2017 and 2020 and 15 in 2021, Fox News reported.

The report comes the same week all 15 Democratic members of the House Homeland Security Committee boycotted a field hearing at the Texas border. In that hearing, Border Patrol chief Raul Ortiz told lawmakers that the Department of Homeland Security does not have operational control of the entire border, contradicting Homeland Security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’s insistence last year to the contrary.

Operational control is defined in the U.S. code as “the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband.”

“The migration flow represents challenges and in some areas, a crisis situation,” Ortiz said.

Border Patrol also reported last week that the number of Chinese migrants illegally crossing the southern border—mostly in the Rio Grande Valley region of Texas—has increased 920 percentcompared with fiscal year 2022, and 91 percent of them are single adults. On Thursday, agents in the region apprehended 90 Chinese nationals, the most encountered in a single day since 2010

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The number of undocumented immigrant crossings at the southwest border for fiscal year 2022 topped 2.76 million, breaking the previous annual record by more than 1 million.

That is freaking crazy when considering the amount of money being spent to secure a foreign country’s border. What am I missing in this argument?

It’ crazy when you consider how much this out of control border created by the administration is costing tax payers.

Brexit leader Nigel Farage has predicted that 30,000 illegal boat migrants will reach Britain by the end of the year, claiming that the migrant crisis is “totally out of control”.

And our idiot leaders ignore the millions that have crossed the US border since biden was installed in office.

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I don’t think they are ignoring it. I think they are embracing it. It’s a whole new crop of Dem voters to woo with free stuff.

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