Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/20/2024

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I didn’t get his name but I wanted to cheer the gentleman from Poland.

A couple of great wins! All without the help of the obstructocrats!

Through negotiations, President Trump has gotten more help from Mexico and Guatemala than he has from Congress on any issue since he has been in office.

The Democrat Party and the RINOs are presently ANTI-AMERICAN! TRAITORS!

Yep! All small gains, but an outside the box thinking! Hopefully there is more to come that will neuter the Obama activists Judges too!

Ain’t that the truth! Time to drain the swamp soon!

New border wall section complete in Calexico!

Nigel Farage has drained ours. I’ll ask him to drain yours for you if y’like?

Drain what? Not sure I get the reference, The swamp?

Well I assumed that the ‘swamp’ mentioned in your post was the Washington Swamp that The Donald said he was going to drain in his pre-election manifesto. We have our own swamp - the Westminster Swamp, and Nigel Farage is in the process of draining it.

Oh yeah! Sure there is a lot of that going around these days!

I hope the U.S. installs pungi sticks on the U.S. side of the wall if the ILLEGALS jump off the top of the wall or ELECTRIFY the wall so they won’t climb it.

I saw somewhere else where someone was recommending electrifying the fence! Interesting!

Well neither of those is ever going to happen unless we go to war with Mexico.

Going to war with Mexico would probably be the best thing to happen to stopping illegal immigration!

It would be an economic disaster for the US and cause a flow of refugees northward like nothing seen since WWII.

No, that would be a horrible choice.

But wouldn’t in time of war Presidential authority outweigh any activist judge in closing down the border?

This is the kind of sh*t I am talking about!

Yes but it would not be worth the cost. We’d most likely not only end up at war with Mexico but find ourselves in the midst of a civil war at the same time due to all the Mexican Sympathizers in the US.

The cost to the US would be devastating.