Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/20/2024

A typical lib response when a conservative offers that suggestion is this strawman:
“oh… so you want to go back to when you could refuse African Americans at lunch counters and deny them access to good schools! I see.”

So we should bomb the rest of the worlds manufacturing capability out of existence and erase the developing worlds infrastructure so they can no longer support manufacturing?

We were discussing economics, were we not?

why can’t we have both? the economically strong middle class without the racism.


But we could pay for tens of millions of american’s college education, and strengthen labor unions…and dozens of other things…

Also, we are the second largest manufacuting country in teh world. We have plenty of manufacturing. What we don’t have is low skill, low price point manufacturing.

With policies in place to support the middle class worker, and policies in place to pay for this effort, a carefully planned mini-‘trade war’ could effectively deliver what you allude to…Trump’s instincts on China are not all bad IMO - he just picked the wrong way to start.

Those policies are what’s bankrupting America today.

Why were they so successful then, while still allowing america to pay down it’s WWII debt?

What is different between then and now? We had incredible debt then, we have incredible debt now. Then, we were able to expand social services, including paid higher education for millions, and we expanded the middle class and paid down the debt.

Why can’t we do that today?

Does anyone remember the days when Socialists and Communists used to love to build walls to protect their Socialist Utopias?

Why do they hate the walls so much today ?

I’m pretty sure if leftists like you get into power again they will start to build walls again, not to keep people getting in, but to stop their citizens getting out of their hellhole, like they did in Berlin .

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We didn’t have millions of illegals sucking up benefits meant for Americans. That’s a start.

Time to to deport all these animals and enforce the law at our borders to end this national emergency.

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Nor do Americans as this comment clearly indicates. A case of head in the sand, ignoring the thousands being released in the US as we do not have enough judges to deport them, lack of facilities to house them until they can be deported.

I don’t think there is a single person in congress who believes that and increase in border security is necessary.

the border needs is more officers, drones with infrared technology

A great way to accurately count illegals and prevents no one from entering the US.

Th left and media have programmed people like this to ignore the reality.

Funny how there is no money for border security yet money to support the flood of asylum seekers after they are released into the US.

Funny how we can spend over 130 billion, a conservative number on illegals in the US yet little for border security.

I actually visited the Berlin Wall during the Cold War, the blueprints would make a great starting point for the Southern (U.S. /Mexican ) border.

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Hey… I’m just telling you how libs have responded in the past to that suggestion.

And I suspect you only pretend not to. Once we got into details, you would be for lots and lots of free stuff, extra points for college entrance, forced equality OF RESULTS (as opposed to opportunity), political correctness, loss of cultural and moral standards,… all the things that tore this country down after the 50s.

The culture that you want to change is inextricably tied to economics.

I’m confused about this post. Are you for or against the strides we have made in racial equality since the 50s?

Do you think those strides handicap our ability to improve life for middle class Americans?

We made great strides in the 50 and all the way up to and including the spirit of the 1964 CRA. Beyond that, the laws passed by Democrats emasculated the black man, kept the women oppressed in poverty, and ruined the self esteem, initiative, and drive to work of the young black man. Everything that Robert Byrd voted for was meant to replace his KKK forged iron chains with economic ones.

You ruined the black people in this country. How? By making yourselves feel good about yourselves while stripping the black man of his soul through free shit, free points, and free passes. You feel good though.

Fuck your " confusion".

LBJ was not confused about why Democrats support free shit for Black Americans.


Where are you getting that information from? Border crossings are at the highest levels they’ve been at in over a decade, and the numbers are only increasing.

There is are very real crisis at our southern border but for some reason you leftist shills our hell bant on trying to convince people that there isn’t one. Why?

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His update from the hive narrative hasn’t arrived yet.


I hate to break it to you but federal revenue as a percent of GDP is higher now than it was back in your golden age fifties and sixties. So if you want to go back to less federal revenue I an with you I guess. It wavered between 25-30% in the fifties and sixties, now it wavers between 30-35%. See for yourself

They were able to pay down war debt because federal spending was much lower. So glad you are board less federal revenue and much lower federal spending. Welcome aboard.

I’m fine with considering the southern border a crisis, despite the continuing decline of illegal crossings.

I just don’t think a 25B wall is the answer. Nether do the republicans who had two years to pass wall funding.

So the 300 billion a year that illegals cost the American taxpayer is fine?

As you mentioned earlier the end of the war resulted in great economic expansion. GDP growth was higher - often over 6%…

Which skews the metric you are citing.