Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/20/2024

Well we now know Democrats are no longer hiding it! This is just freaking insane!

Ammo up!

We know the Cartels pour literally hundreds of millions annually into the area heā€™s from, someone should do some serious digging into his finances.

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Well more obstruction from Obama and Clinton appointed judges. A scorched Earth policy is desperately needed.

Give them their hearings and set the bail appropriately, 100,000.00 each cash bond.

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Now that is what I like! Way to be on your toes!

Am I off here? Appropriate bail means high enough bail to ensure they appear, right?

With over 90% failing to appear it should be set appropriately high. Right?

Thereā€™s no reason to believe these people have any intention of appearing absent some very good reason for their appearance like say forfeiting a large cash bond.


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No I donā€™t think you are off here, a bail can be set to insure the subject returns to court, but its the distinction between asylum seeker and one who willfully violates US law. It can be argued that asylum seekers are violating the law but they would have to be charged with such in order to justify setting a bail amount, therefore it would be assumed they are being arrested.

I think so, but I have to look at this closely such as a case law to see if there is precedent to make sure that is correct, because I am not sure if there maybe a legal argument of criminality vs. a Asylum seeker as not being a criminal act therefore setting a bail amount maybe a violation of constitutional rights where a person has to be charged with a crime. Is the crime entering the country illegally or is it negated when a person claims asylum? This is the part that I think is being exploited because it can be argued setting a bail is suggesting that asylum seekers are being charged with a crime.

Well, if they havenā€™t violated the law, many we know have since they entered the country illegally I know of no precedent for giving them bail.

I also see absolutely no justification in ordering their release pending a hearing with a 90% no show rate.

This judge just seems to be completely out to lunch and they should file immediately for an expedited emergency appeal.

Well, if they choose not to show up to court then they can be subject to deportation as well as setting a bail amount. The case law I am referring to is the Asylum seekers VS. the ones crossing over illegally in the first initial stage of entering the country. These are the loopholes that immigration lawyers are exploiting, and its up to the AG to find a way to close these loopholes by way of using previous case law or the laws themselves to circumvent legal arguments being played out in court. Remember, this was the democratic strategy from the onset, to tie up this issue in endless law suits with the element of time as the weapon. Running out the clock has always been the democratic and Deep State strategy.

I have to dig deeper into case law in order to see where the bail issue comes into sharper focus on who qualifies for bail. Or as you stated there is no precedent for giving bail, however, this falls under International subset of laws that makes this issue a grey area of ambiguity.

This could be another solution for one part of the border. Flood it with gators!

Just wait, itā€™s only going to get worse going into the 2020 elections. All a part of the democratic long term strategy to seize, hold, and retain power in perpetuity.

Whatā€™s mind boggling is that rank and file democrats seem to have no clue and wonā€™t even consider the long term consequences when in 10-15 years millions of these people and their offspring will be unemployable.

PETA vs Pro Illegals. Who wins?

Ha ha ha! Gators in the Rio is unchartered territory! Can you imagine the out rage from left when they see a feeding frenzy of gators attacking crossing migrants? Oh the pain!

Here! They must of heard you or you have an inside track!

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Ha ha! Snopes was forced to make a correction! Here is to all the dead beat lying snowflakes!

$500.00 per day. All of those who didnā€™t report to hearings should be assessed fines.

However, what happens when they donā€™t pay them? Wage garnishment? Loss of government benefits? No tax return refunds?

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Well, next time they are arrested for a minor traffic violation, and you know what happens next right?

How many who donā€™t pay are going to be arrested for a traffic violation. Weā€™re talking millions here. What are the actual repercussions for ignoring the fine?

Deportation? Just a guess!

These are little moves out of many that Trump is silently implementing, eventually illegals will have a very difficult time staying in the country.

Stories like these is just one part of it!