Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/18/2024

I disagree his shooting from the hip is refreshing compared to the dogma of the Obama / politician era .

This is excellent news!

Supreme Court Allows Full Enforcement of Asylum Crackdown! This is a huge win for Trump and denying the fraudsters from exploiting the Asylum laws. AWESOME!

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is allowing nationwide enforcement of a new Trump administration rule that prevents most Central American immigrants from seeking asylum in the United States.

The justices’ order late Wednesday temporarily undoes a lower-court ruling that had blocked the new asylum policy in some states along the southern border. The policy is meant to deny asylum to anyone who passes through another country on the way to the U.S. without seeking protection there.

Most people crossing the southern border are Central Americans fleeing violence and poverty. They are largely ineligible under the new rule, as are asylum seekers from Africa, Asia and South America who arrive regularly at the southern border.

The shift reverses decades of U.S. policy. The administration has said that it wants to close the gap between an initial asylum screening that most people pass and a final decision on asylum that most people do not win.

“BIG United States Supreme Court WIN for the Border on Asylum!” Trump tweeted.

Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor dissented from the high-court’s order. “Once again, the Executive Branch has issued a rule that seeks to upend longstanding practices regarding refugees who seek shelter from persecution,” Sotomayor wrote.

The legal challenge to the new policy has a brief but somewhat convoluted history. U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar in San Francisco blocked the new policy from taking effect in late July. A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals narrowed Tigar’s order so that it applied only in Arizona and California, states that are within the 9th Circuit.

That left the administration free to enforce the policy on asylum seekers arriving in New Mexico and Texas. Tigar issued a new order on Monday that reimposed a nationwide hold on asylum policy. The 9th Circuit again narrowed his order on Tuesday.

The high-court action allows the administration to impose the new policy everywhere while the court case against it continues in the 9th Circuit.

American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Lee Gelernt wrote the administration’s change in asylum rules is “tectonic,” and “would eliminate virtually all asylum at the southern border, even at ports of entry, for everyone except Mexicans.”


It is the biggest single source of legit criticism of the administration and is regularly an embarrassment.

All he does with it is hand ammo to his and our enemies.

An absolutely huge win.

The MSM the globalist the never Trump / resist movements will never change their vote .
However the people of color that seem to be benefiting from President Trumps polices and the working class may .
I have flinched at some of the tweets but they keep the President in-front of all of Americas voting citizens and make his opinions known .

Only about 30% or less of the voting population are “true believers” of the democratic party and only about half of them hard leftists, the rest are persuadable to at least some degree.

Very salty Mexican tears!

Wassermanschultz is POS and should be in jail! I am appalled that she is still in congress!

Homan totally beat her down a peg! Typical leftists! They make a statement based on lies and then run away!

It doesn’t mean there were less people crossing the border illegally, just that fear were caught.

You mean fewer were caught?

Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said Thursday that Mexico’s government doesn’t agree with an “astonishing” U.S. Supreme Court order that would block migrants from countries other than Mexico and Canada from applying for asylum at U.S. borders.

as if the SCOTUS cares what mexico thinks.


I know, but they have to save face amidst the criticism from the UN. Right?

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Too damned bad. Mexico has been our biggest problem, now they can deal with the problem themselves.

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She ought to be in jail over her financial crimes.

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I agree! Sigh, but, but, but… Oh Never mind!

Department of Homeland Security Announces End to ‘Catch and Release’

About freaking time!

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The only astonishing thing is we found the political will to enforce our immigration law and policy.

Mexico expected to have it their way forever.


Mexico has taught central America well.

Send your excess population you don’t want (the poor) to the US and let the US take care of them edict them and let them work and send money home.

Mexico gets an estimate 30 billion a year from their illegal US population.

A win win for Mexico and Central America.

The U.S. AG should arrest the state AG and anyone else involved in violating Federal Law.
These locusts come here and our citizens are persecuted for opposing them. What other country outside of Sweden the UK and Germany give them more legal protections then its citizens.