Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/18/2024

I was tired after 8 years of Obama and now the left has lost all sense of reality.


Well you know as well as I do that this can only end in two ways! Right?


This is pretty Hilarious

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Let me guess, there’s got to be something inherently racist about targeting The Tortilla Factory, Right?

Poor bastards, next time don’t hire illegals and you won’t be shut down.

Maybe try paying wages that Americans are willing to take to do the job? Naa, that’s a crazy idea I’m sure.

In Pittsburgh area there WAS a certain Chinese buffet style restaurant that was raided and shut down at least 5 times and kept resurrecting itself with same MO.

Workers would be smuggled in and housed in crowded conditions while the owners essentially treated them as serfs.

After a lengthy 2-3 year closure this restaurant is once again open for business as as Asian style buffet.

I appreciate the work ICE does to protect these exploited workers.



That’s going on at probably 80% of more of the chinese buffets nationwide but generally the chinese get a pass.

Odds are very high they are also the centers for Chinese intl as well.


It’s the new social democrats who want to abolish ICE so that must mean they are doing something right!


We had something similar here. They kept opening up under new owners with a new corporation. I guess they eventually ran out of family members so finally closed for good.


In the suit filed by disability and civil rights advocates in U.S. District Court, immigrants said they’re placed in isolation as punishment and denied recommended medical treatment and surgery. Some said they’ve been denied wheelchairs and a deaf detainee who communicates in American Sign Language said he has not been provided an interpreter.

So, let me get this straight:
Enter the country illegally because it was so bad where you came from that you don’t want to go back;
Decry your conditions in the United States where you are given a roof over your head, better medical care than many Americans receive, and free meals;
Turn around and sue because it isn’t up to your standards?

Wow. Just… Wow.


Hey have you heard of the Netflix series called “Orange is the New Black”?

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Hopefully the court will throw this out post haste.



What the border needs is a minefield the length of the boarder . Cheaper and easy to maintain .

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I watched I think 2 seasons. After that it was :face_vomiting:

Well, I am watching season 7 currently and the funny observation is illegals being held in a detention center that was included in the story line. What is interesting about your linked article almost mimics the story line in the Netflix series. Illegals feel entitled, they use the computers made available to educate themselves about the law to only manipulate the law when they appear in court. Woven into the story line is the scenes of the detention centers where ICE agents are the antagonists and the illegals are the good people thus these scenes are intentionally written, produced to make the viewer feel sympathy, sad for these people who broke the laws.

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Well, we all know that won’t be happening. Approaching the border from the southern side does not in and of itself create a deadly threat.

I still like the alligator idea flooding the Rio!

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The lowr Rio already has gators, alligator gar and huge snapping turtles. There have even been sharks caught upriver from the gulf a few miles.

The problem is that as you move up from Amistad Reservoir it doesn’t hold enough water during the dry season to be much of a barrier at all.

If we could reach a deal with MX to build some more big reservoirs it would do a lot of good.

DOJ: 64 Percent of All Federal Arrests in 2018 Were Noncitizens

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No a small fence signed a minefield and the wall .