Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/18/2024

Maybe an act of God is what’s needed to strike fear in the invaders hearts! That was the first thought that came to my mind when reading about this story, that some natural disaster befalls and ascends on people with ill gotten and dishonest intentions! Just goes to show though that our border police are caring people and Glad they were able to help this woman and her child.

Good interview with McAleenan

Facts are irrelevant, the haters and liars will just keep stampting their feet, banging their heads and declaring defeat.

Well the picture of what is the motive behind this is beginning to become a little bit more clearer now after reading this. The entire migrant crisis at the southern border is a very lucrative business!

No doubt about that and the Cartels are raking it in hand over fist both being paid to transport them, allow their passage through cartel territories and forcing them to mule drugs, money, and guns along with forcing others to act as coyotes.

Gotta give them credit, the cartels sure know how to tun a buck.

Diversification in business is everything.

Point to be taken, they quickly identify new opportunities.


Can’t help but think that this guy is correct in calling out what Mexico is, a “Narco State” who is enabled by the left to change the Demographics of the country. It really is truly evil in what the Democrats are doing, and by this rate, he is correct in asserting that Trump may very welll be the last Republican in office if this is allowed to continue. So far reports are indicting that illegals continue to pour into the country unabated.

Obrador made that apparant when he declared there was no longer a war on drugs in MX and pulled the Mexican Marines from interdiction duty.

He’s owned by the cartels who funded his campaign.

Makes sense! It’s probably why he rides around in a VW Jetta without any body Guards! The cartels are his bodyguards!

Since Spain left the country has been one run by various criminal concerns, the cartels are just the modern incarnation of the banditos of the border war era.

By the Numbers: Here’s How the Crisis on the Border is Getting Even Worse

You can thank activist leftwing judges for that.

They can’t hold minors in custody more than 20 days and we don’t have the facilities to house them separately from the adults who bring them for any length of time.

Worse, no matter how nice the facilities are where the kids are sent the dem’s and their media cohorts declare them to be concentration camps, cages etc whipping up pity with the general public which quickly turns to outrage.

What’s left? They can’t be deported, can’t be held so they have to be released into the interior per court order.

The congress could solve all of these problems if they were willing to but the democrats would rather burn down the country for political gain going into 2020.

Well we at least get a new border czar!

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I like Homann a lot from the interviews I’ve seen done with him.

Unfortunately if he does take the job he’s still going to be terribly hamstrung by the courts and lack of resources.

Good man for the job though if he has the patience to work through the BS.

Yes we will see what he is able to accomplish, I suspect it will be more of the same or maybe not as I am willing to keep an open mind that maybe there is a plan in place that has not yet been revealed.

Well this is getting more interesting with the finger pointing. One Narco state at another!

Top Guatemalan official speaks out… It’s all Mexico’s fault

Not sure Homann is going to be it Trump may have jumped his own gun. Homann said on Fox Friday in an interview that he’d been contacted and is interested but has not yet committed.

The premature announcement may simply be Trump’s way of trying to push him to make a decision, maybe he just assumed that once the offer was made Homann was a shoe in, who knows.