Southern Border Crisis *** UPDATE*** 10/12/2024

Trump cuts direct aid to Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador over caravans


What really gets me in all of this, is why no one is talking about what is causing these large numbers of people to be moving? Where is the money coming from? Is George Soros behind it? If he is, then why not arrest that mth fker? Seriously? I am so sick and tired of hearing his name pop up but no one, not even the President has mentioned his name. Why is that?

The countries involved encourage their citizens to leave.

  1. Relieves them of the responsibility for care and education of the people.
  2. They look forward to the money sent him to help their families.

One has to ask, why isnā€™t the press and the American people outraged at the dumping of their less fortunate citizens on the US.

Of course! But who is funding them? There are not just picking u and leaving with out something that is acting as a catalyst. There has to be something behind them that is causing them to move. NGOā€™s? I have heard Soros money being mentioned and all I want to know if there is actual proof, and if there is why isnā€™t Trump mentioning him? Why does this scumbag continue to operate without any scrutiny from anyone?

The reality is until congress gets off its dead ass and addresses the broken asylum was nothing will change.

Hundreds of thousand will be arrested and they will claim asylum because someone threatened them and be released into the US.

I am not disagreeing with you, but why are you ignoring the George Soros connection? Do you not believe that his money may be connected in some way that is funding a lot of these Caravanā€™s? My point is no one is talking about who is funding these operations, and I want to know why?

It seems 3 of the 4 organizations moving people to the US border are potentially funded by the Soros organization.

Itā€™s unfortunately not illegal for Soros to donate money to the organizations.

Congress could fix the illegal immigration, asylum problem yet refuses to do it.

As long as the work magnet is in place people will come as there is no penalty for coming to the US a borderless country.

It can be if it is undermining the countryā€™s National security. Also keep in mind he was granted citizenship, and so my question is where his loyalties lay. If he so hates America so much then why not revoke his citizenship? There is a reason why he is never allowed to enter Russia, China, and Hong Kong for the rest of his natural born life! The simply despise him and I assume he would be arrested if he tried!

Some lib judge will try to keep the money flowing. Breaking the country is their objective.

Wonder how they people suing in court will have standing.

Same as fake asylum seekers.

A step in the right direction. We donā€™t need to pay them to abuse us.

When the elites feel the pinch in their personal pocket, maybeā€¦ just maybe they will want it back enough to keep their citizens from migrating out of their countries.

Certainly, the aid hasnā€™t trickled down enough (if at all) to make people want to voluntarily stay in their own countries.

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I think there are a lot of groups funding them, not just Soros.

Think of all of the volunteers and church groups ready to provide aid once they enter the country as well.

@LouMan is right. We have to fix our asylum laws. But, good luck finding enough politicians who want to do what is right for the country rather than save their own hides.

If we really wanted the system changed, we would vote out those who are satisfied with the status quo.

Despite Trump being elected and this being his major platform, the rest of the politicians are tone deaf. In some cases in office for so long that they think you work for them, not the other way around.

All of the democrats that voted for ACA should have been booted out, but look. We still have Pelosi and will have many more like her as long as we have bleeding heart liberals and supporters of socialism in this country.

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They are tone deaf as it is trump push for change.

Any democrat and the screaming for change would begin.

Iā€™m not so sure about that. I think there are enough out there that want open borders; no matter who is President there would be a big stink over it.

I do agree that because it is Trump, the vitriol has risen to hysterical levels.

Yes that is true, but he is putting up the most money in shell companies that make it appear there are many groups. The Churches is another group, and I really donā€™t understand their position on this. It was for this reason I stop listening to the Church and their advocacy for open borders.

Well it is the the politicians on the right who are supported by the COC, Tom Donahue and Kock brothers who want to keep immigration broken as they profit from it. Yet Trump dosenā€™t seem to want to go there by exposing the truth what most educated Americans already know.

Lastly, maybe, just maybe he can use the leverage of Spygate to expose it all and go full scorch Earth in order to exacerbate this much needed change to not only change the laws but finally secure the border. As it stands now, the country is about to fall apart if something is not done soon and securing the Southern border should be a top priority of Trump Now!

One problem we face is w are not all affected the same with illegals in the country. Some states are over run and the costs are killing them. Other states are virtually unaffected.

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It never changes.

Congress does nothing.

The people suffer.

And that is what is so frustrating.

Our founders gave us the gift to vote these people out of office.

The people suffer because they choose to. Not just for themselves but for you and me as well.